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Kaila Mainla


Age: 21

Body: 10

Mind:  15

Ki: 10

PL: 400

Techniques:  None yet

She has red hair, wavy and long, reaching her mid-back as her bangs are turqouise. She wears her saiya-jin armor suit to protect her upper body, her arms bare and a peach complexion as she wears a gray skirt, silky and rough with hints of red and green. The skirt is attatched to a black sleeveless low-cut shirt that is attatched to her armor as it has slits up to her mid-thigh. She wears boots that are black, as her nails are painted that same shade. the armor seems to be "low-cut" on her, showing that chain of metal balls around her neck. The chain seemed to have given her some power. She is approximatley 5'8 in height and weighs about 163 lbs. (her muscles included).

She was born maybe 10 years after prince Vegeta. Her mother and father were quite weak compared to most of the other Saiya-jins. Her mother had a wish not to have her daughter taken away from her...but had abandon her in King Vegeta's lair, just before the ones not worthy of battle were sent off to different planets. That was the day King Vegeta may have never forgotten: The day the merciless became the somewhat merciful. She was raised by King Vegeta for a mere two weeks and had sent her to Janava, a small planet compared to planet Vegeta, yet also a fighting planet, like planet Vegeta.

Only few days of her arrival on Janava, Kaila was taken in and taken care of by a kind, elederly Janavasitian woman named Elanja. She was taught her manners and as the years passed up to her age of nine, she helped and took care of Elanja. As she turned the age of nine, it was now ready for her to start school and her training. When she turned 13, Elanja was killed by an attack by the fighters of the visiting planet Bodesh. That was the day she had turned herself into a Super Saiya-jin. She was offered a part in the protecting female team of Janava which was named the Amulets when she was 14. Kaila refused. She had done many great things for Janava and its suffering economy as the years progressed and she became into the third stage of a Saiya-jin. She had gotten that chain she never lets off of her Janava. It was given to her by the King of Janava, Bandert. This chain gave her the strength to seek minds of the corrupted evil individuals and to practically "have ey!

es at the back of her head"(or just sense things from behind her), and to sense the powers of anyone, at any distance, anywhere, no matter who they might be. She had traveled to Earth, after her departure from Janava.

She had appeared at Earth after the Saga of the Androids. After watching all of the construction, she had fallen upon Capsule Corp. Something about this place troubled her, but she walked on, looking around until she had been tackled and held up by the throat by the hands of Trunks Ou, the son of Vegeta Ou. After weeks, the two of them, Kaila Mainla and Trunks Ou, had started to spar together. On one particular day, she had gotten her arms wrapped around her, Trunks being behind her and dangerously close to her as he whispered something... she looked to him, a blank stare. Ever since then, they have been in love and yet their routes have not been planned.

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