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Age: 22

Body: 5

Mind: 20

Ki: 10

Techniques: None yet

The Mecca are a peaceful and mysterious race. Almost identical to the Nameks, they are powerful with their psychic, telekenetic and telepathic abilities, but prefer to use their powers for the good and welfare of others. Though they are human in appearance, there are some easily identifiable differences: weird hair coloring, tattoos adorning their skin from birth and elfin-like ears. The Mecca are more famous for their psychic abilities rather than subjects dealing with ki and battle. Keep in mind that they are great fighters, up to par with saiiyans even, they choose to avoid battle. They enjoy travel and do so, exploring the universe for other life forms to learn from, though due to their mystical powers, they can do so in secret, remaining hidden if they wish it so.

Ariadne has a lithe, scintillating figure and stands at about 5'6". Her hair is silky and long, stretching down to her waist. The top of her hair is a pale sea blue while the rest is ocean green (think Rogue from 'X-Men'). The tips of her ears are pointy like elves and her eyes are probably the most weird thing about her because they are naturally velvet, but fade into blues and greens when her mood alters.

Coming straight down her back is a line of indecipherable kanji from the back of her neck to the small of her back in thick black coloring.

On her forehead, just between her thin blue brows is a smooth oval-shaped, jewel of black. If it is ever destroyed, or somehow removed from her forehead, she would lose her powers and most certainly die a slow, painful death from it.

Ariadne is alot like other Meccas. She roams the universe, studying other races. She's been to Frieza, adapting to their below-zero weathers and studying their transformations; she travelled to Vegeta, adjusting to their high gravity, learning some of their fighting techniques, and studying their physiology; she had even been to Earth, studying Earth's customs and the beauty of the planet.

Ariadne grew up on the planet of Mecca, which is hidden under the guise of a thick wall of space dust and innavigable debris from smashed meteors and planets. Her family was wealthy by Mecca standards. Her parents raised her to be mature, intelligent, level-headed and submissive: the perfect housewife.

Little did her family know, Ariadne had developed a rebellious spirit against the norm and began to train to strengthen her powers behind the back of society. Technically, Mecca women could train, but eventually put it beside for the role of motherhood. It was always the men who strengthened their powers, travelled, saw the universe, etc.

Ariadne chose to be different, and after gathering money, supplies and a ship, she fled her dominating families customs and started a new life travelling and observing alien life in secret.

Ariadne is what you'd call 'mellow' as she appears as if nothing could phases her. Even in the most stressing and emotionally-trying situations, she'll keep a calm facade and handle things with control; most Meccas are this way. She only fights in self-defense, as she is moderately skilled in that department, but she prefers to connect with nature and make allies.

She currently resides on Namek, living somewhere far from Namek's civilizations where she won't disturb or be disturbed. She lives the life of a happy hermit, taking in the planet's beauty and strengthening her psychic and telekenetic abilities.

She's currently grown bored with all the peace and quiet, so she plots to possibly visit Earth again in hopes of finding some action.

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