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These are all of the items available at the moment.  Many, many more items will be added as the characters in the RPG discover new worlds and technologies.  Items can and will break down and be out of stock.   

When you wish to buy an item, Rp your character going into the appropriate store, picking out the items you want and then taking them to the counter.  I will then respond with an rp as the shopkeeper and begin haggling with you.  I'll leave off on a cue for to continue from.  Be sure not to take liberties with my NPCs, as I frown on that.  If you're a little evil and the shopkeeper is good you'll most likely get bunk service and bad prices and if you're really evil you may not be able to buy at all.  Your mind score as well as the general appearance will also play a part in your haggling.

The prices on this page are approximations of general value.  They are NOT concrete prices except in a few circumstances.


Dragon Ball Radar (Rare) - This handheld radar allows you to find Dragon Balls at the rate of one per fight day.  Typically Bulma doesn't just give these to anybody and she rarely has more than one on hand.  Value: Special

PP candy (uncommon) - This small pill when taken will give anybody the ability to yell "piggy" and give you the violent need to take the biggest dump of your life.  Typically Bulma has 2 or 3 on hand but she is hesitant to give them to just anybody due to the potential for a huge mess. Value: 500 zeni per dose

HOIPOI capsule (unlimited) - A small capsule that can hold items as large as a small house inside.  The installation fees for the various items will be negotiated.  Value: 200 zeni

Capsule House (unlimited) - A small house contained in a capsule.  You must buy the capsule and then have the house "installed".  Capsule houses will reduce the amount of time it takes you to recover from fighting.  This will not only amount to more PL but you'll also be more rested for subsequent fights.  Value: 10,000 zeni

Capsule Mini fridge (unlimited) - A small stocked refrigerator perfect for long trips and camping out.  Like the house these must also be "installed" in a capsule.  Mini fridges will be necessary for long trips such as a trip to Master Roshi's island on foot, and Saiyans will need two mini fridges due to their enormous appetites.  Value: 500 zeni

Capsule Plane (unlimited) - A small plane capable of seating a pilot and a passenger.  Must be "installed" in a capsule.  Value: 1000 zeni

Capsule Boat (unlimited) - A small speed boat capable of seating a driver and three passengers.  Must be "installed" in a capsule.  Value: 800 zeni

Capsule Sub (unlimited) - A small submersible capable of seating a driver and two passengers.  Must be "installed" in a capsule.  Value: 1000 zeni

Capsule Motorbike (unlimited) - A motorbike capable of seating a driver and one passenger.  Must be "installed" in a capsule.  Value: 500 zeni

Capsule Car (unlimited) - A car capable of seating a driver and three passengers.  Must be "installed" in a capsule.  Value: 600

Capsule Hovercraft (unlimited) - A hovercraft with the same seating as the capsule car.  This vehicle is much faster than the cap car and is also able to cross much rougher terrain as well as being able to move on water.  Must be "installed" in a capsule.  Value: 1200

Capsule Small Combo Ship (unlimited) - This all in one craft can seat a driver and one passenger.  It can fly, roll, hover, and dive.  Must be "installed" in a capsule.  Value: 1300 zeni

Capsule Large Combo ship (unlimited) -  This all in one ultra craft can seat a max of eight people in any of it's travel modes.  Must be "installed" in a capsule.  Value: 2000 zeni

Capsule All Purpose Personal Robotic Assistant (unlimited) - A robot designed to help you in any way it's programmed to.  These robots will not fight and wouldn't be any good at it if they could,  However they are well versed in all matters of decorum, can speak any language used on earth, and are well versed with all capsule corp technology.  If you don't know how to fly a plane or drive a car you will need one of these robots.  Must be "installed" in a capsule.  Value: 500 zeni

Capsule Gravitron (Rare) - Dr. Briefs has just recently developed gravitron technology and currently has the ability to create a room capable of generating 20 times earth's normal gravity.  However these are not on the common market and have so far only been used for undisclosed industrial purposes.  Gravitrons will increase the percentage by which your PL is increased per week until you've reached their full potential to challenge you at which point the bonus will be halved.  The amount of gravity you can tolerate is pl divided by 1000 + 1.  Dr. Briefs usually has on of these in works at his private lab.  Value:  Special or 25,000 zeni

Flying Nimbus (Ultra Rare) - This is a small cloud that a person of pure heart can ride on.  The clouds can reach incredible speeds and will try to protect their owners from death by falling if they can.  They cannot be destroyed but they can be dissipated for a week by a small blast.  No one knows where to find these clouds and though it is believed that at least one is in the hands of somebody on earth however that person's location and identity is anybody's guess.  Value: Special

Power Pole (rare) (need: body 25) - This short pole is capable of extending to any length on command and retracting in similar fashion.  These poles are the next thing to unbreakable and they will increase your effective PL by 200.  The making of these is no longer known but a few still exist and they may be found or possibly bought from the right person.  Value: Special

Magic Carpet (rare)  - A flying device much like the flying nimbus but capable of seating up to three people and there is no pure heart requirement.  Popo may have one or two of these.  Value: 5000 zeni

Senzu Bean (uncommon) - These small beans will completely restore your power.  Korin grows these regularly however they can only be bought from him and he does has a limited number.  He also is very careful about who he sells these powerful beans to. Value: 3,000 zeni

Sleepy Grass (uncommon) - This green weed when ingested in a large enough quantity will knock you out cold for a good eight hours of restful sleep.  Typically this isn't on the ordinary market but any mystic seller (Popo, Kami, Baba etc) will tend to have 2 or 3 doses on hand.  Value: 200 zeni a dose

Sword (unlimited) (need: body 10) A standard unremarkable sword.  This sword will increase your effective PL by 50.  Value: 100 zeni

Bulma's Fighting Jacket (common) -This jacket is ultra tough and will increase your effective power level by 100.  Typically Bulma will have 4 or 5 of these on hand.  Value: 500 zeni

Weighted clothing (common) (Need: body 15)  This is a suit of clothing consisting of a loose outer shirt and loose karate style pants.  The clothes look and feel ordinary except for their extraordinary weight.  These clothes will increase the amount of pl you recieve per week for training.  They will also increase the pl you receive from fights IF you wear them during the fights of course.  Doing so will decrease your fighting ability but the clothes can be taken off during a fight not to mention you get bragging rights for beating somebody down with your weighted clothes on.  If you are wearing more than one piece of weighted gear the body requirements will be added together to create the new body requirement.  Value: 1000 zeni

Weighted boots (common) (Need: 10) Extremely heavy boots meant for training.  Value: 500 zeni

Weighted arm bands (common) (Need: body 10) Extremely heavy arm bands meant for training.  Value: 500 zeni

Weighted mantle (common) (Need: body 20) An Extremely heavy cape meant for training.  Piccolo has one of these.  Value: 1500 zeni

School Books (unlimited) (need: mind 10)  If you're going to school you'll need to buy your new books each semester (one real time month).  Without your books you won't learn and you won't get the move point bonuses for going to school.  Alone school books give 5 move points per week.  Value: 800 zeni



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