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Friday's Battles

(Scene opens on the packed stadium at Hercule's house of pain.  Sitting on his golden throne Hercule presides over the arena.)
Hercule: Loyal Fans it's time for another round here at, HERCULE'S HOUSE OF PAIN!!  OH YEAH!! Today we have for you two magnificent fighters one of them you already he is,  KAKI HUN!
(Beneath Hercule's raised platform a large stone door swings open and Kaki runs out roaring at the crowd as he shows off his speed.)
Hecule: Kaki is the winner of the first fight ever here at Hecule's house of pain but who knows what our new challenger will be able to bring to the table.  Give it up for Ursula Painter!
(The stone door at the opposite end of the stadium opens to reveal Ursula smirking at the crowd and her competition.  She walks out to the ring waving her right hand which oddly enough is clad in an acid proof glove.  Ursula steps into the ring and begins walking towards Kaki.  She marches up to him, takes off his glove and slaps him full in the face.  When she dose some sort of power sprays from the glove and gets all over Kaki's face.)
Ursula: I challenge you to a fight!
(Ursula tosses the glove at Kaki who catches it reflexively.  Kaki looks at the glove at first not quite sure what Ursula is about but then the stink of whatever she got on him begins to irritate him and he slaps her in return with the glove.)
Hercule: HEY! enough of this! Get back to your corners and wait for the fight to start.
(Ursula walks back to her corner.)
Hercule: Thats better, Now FIGHT!
(Kaki starts off by moving to the center of the ring and drops into a defensive crouch.  Ursula moves in more slowly and begins to circle him.  Kaki turns with her keeping her directly in front of him at all times.  Ursula begins to taunt Kaki not only by leaving herself open but by making loud sneering comments about him to the crowd.  All of this begins to enrage and when Ursula is in the middle of a particularly good taunt he attacks.  Kaki charges forward at full speed and jabs forward with his stiffened fingers at Ursula's throat.  Ursula is ready but is surprised at how fast Kaki is. She is just able to bring up both her arms in a double block stopping the strike.  Kaki continues his attack with a quick front round house that takes Ursula square in the kidneys.  Ursula grunts but the next moment she has her guard up and the two are trading blows.  Kaki seems to be getting the best of Ursula and seeing that he is faster than her Ursula springs away from him. Ursula: Powdered acid! Burns doesn't it?
(Ursula attempts to resist the acid with Mystic blood but finds herself unable channel enough ki energy into the technique.)
Ursula: What? OUCH! this stuff burns!
(Kaki screams in rage and attacks at full power.)
Ursula: NO! wait!
(Kaki slams Ursula with a quick series of punches then he extends his claws and starts slashing at Ursula's torso.  Several times Ursula is only just able to deflect a throat strike.  Slowly kaki begins to back Ursula towards the edge of the ring.  Ursula is fighting desperately but the acid being to run into the small cuts made by Kaki's claws putting her in extreme pain.  Kaki is roaring and in the throws of a savage fit: breathing heavily and foaming at the mouth.)
(Kaki lands another heavy punch to Ursula's gut but she gives right back with a punch to his.  Kaki growls and pops Ursula in the mouth then back hands her and follows it up with a claw rake to the face.  Ursula pulls back and avoids the worst of the claw rake but this almost sends her over the edge and while she's struggling to regain her balance Kaki sends her over tumbling over the edge with a sharp kick to the crotch.)
Hercule: RING OUT!
(Hercule walks into the ring and lifts up Kaki's arm while they both look at the fans and recieve their applause.  Hercule gives Kaki 600 zeni for the fight and when Ursula climbs back into the ring Hercule gives her 250 zeni along with some whispered advice.)
Hercule: Next time you use the old acid in the glove trick don't let them slap you.
(Hercule winks and walks off.)
Winner Kaki 2 stat points
Loser Ursula 2 stat points

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