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(Scene opens on Barrabas and Master Wang flying over a crystal blue ocean. Above them the sun shines brilliantly in a cloudless sky.)

Barrabas: Man are we there yet? this is a long flight.

(Master Wang who has been strangely silent the whole trips grunts in response as he has been doing the whole trip. Barrabas stares at Wang for a moment the rolls over in mid and crosses his fingers behind his head and shrugs his shoulders as he soars along side master Wang.)

Barrabas: Okay, I like it when you stay quiet anyway.

(The two fly on for a few more minutes and just as Barrabas' mind is begining to wander...)

Wang: There.

Barrabas: Huh?

(Barrabas rolls over in mid air to see a small island with a small white washed and red roofed house on it. Painted on red over the entrance is "Kame House".)

Barrabas: Hey we're here!

(Barrabas and Wang fly to the ground and land in front of the front porch. Wang begins to walk up the steps to the door but a voice calls..)

Roshi: Ahhh! I have visitors.

(From around the house hobbles a bow legged bald old man wearing dark sunglasses and using a walking stick with a thick knob on the top of it to help himself along.)

Roshi: What can a do for you?

Wang: We meet again Roshi.

Roshi: What? Hmmmmmm maybe you do seem familiar some how.

(Wangs eyes buldge but he quickly cools his feathers.)

Wang: Perhaps we can talk over old times and I can jog you memory but first let us deal with the business for which we came.

Roshi: And that is?

Wang: I wish you to take on my student, Barrabas.

(Barrabas steps forward and extends his hand.)

Barrabas: How you doin Roshi?

(Roshi's sunglasses flash and faster than barrabas can follow Roshi's hand whips out and slaps his extened hand.)

Roshi: MASTER Roshi.....dude

(Barrabas' hand burns like fire from the hit but he can't help but respect the old mans ability.)

Roshi: So, you wish me to train him? And are you aware of my, eh usual price?

(Wang nods.)

Wang: To a degree I know it has somthing to do with pretty women.

Roshi: Well, eh yes. heh heh, You see being a hermit I don't get much chance to meet any ladies if you, eh know what I mean.

Wang: yes?

Roshi: Well I'll need your student to go and fetch me cute girl to come and hang out with me around my island. Ya know a sort of uh... female companion?

(Wang chokes in disbelief but Barrabas laughs loudly.)

Barrabas: I get what your after man. Sure I'll be back in a while with a fine woman for you.

Roshi: YOU WILL, Really? eh heh heh heh heh, Alright. Now you know the sort of girls I um prefer right?

Barrabas: yeah yeah man. I know what you're after. I'll be back in no time. Just hold on one second.

(Barrabas runs into the house and comes out in a minute or so eating a turkey sandwich with one hand and drinking a grape soda wtih the other. Food and drink in hand he takes off for the mainland as Roshi and Wang go into the house to talk and get somthing to eat.)

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