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Hun, Kaki


Age: 24

Body: 51

Mind: 37

Ki: 31

PL: 535


Swift feet : This move gives Kaki a burst of speed for a quick attack , but takes quite a bit of endurance away from him. Ideally used once a fight , anymore than that will risk heavy fatigue . MP : 10 Stats Body

Flight: Kaki uses his ki to fly. Ki, 15mp

Blast: Kaki can use his ki for form blasts, 15 mp


Weighted boots, Weighted Arm bands, Weighted Clothes

650 Zeni


The Deaflie's pretty much have a humanoid body , but has a slick coat of fur covering their entire body. The hands are the same as human with all but two expectations : They are covered with slick fur and have small sharp claws as fingernails. They are also attached with a furry tail in the back. Their eyes are more narrow which provides better focus at targets straight ahead , but can be blind sided with a punch from either side. The ears are pointy with a light pink color in the inside. The teeth are thin and an inch long . The tongue is pink matching the color of there inside of the ears. The nose is much smaller than a normal human's. They have amazing quickness and heightened scents and can speak the common universe langue in a raspy voice.

Just shy of six feet , Kaki is covered with black fur from top to bottom with a tail in the back. He has a slender look to him , not showing much muscle but has a toned body with little fat. His fingers are thin and lengthy as well as his sharp teeth. He has narrow dark green eyes with a small nose and uses his fur as clothing.

Kaki was born and raised on the planet Tacs , an over populated jungle like place with every day down pours of rain . The heat was unbearable due to the seven suns that surrounded the tiny ball of life. Tacs was a savage culture where the strong and ruthless would survive by feeding on the weaker.

Kaki was born on a rainy night , as a litter of two. Their mother was pretty protective of them as she would do her best to hide them from any savage warrior looking for a meal. Because of the aging process their bodies became developed in only a matter of weeks rather than years. Both him and his sibling showed outstanding reflexes and speed for their young age. It was only a matter of time before they wonder off from their loving mother and journeyed into the dark, deathful jungle.

Kaki was more of a serious , silent warrior , who became very frustrated when he could not complete the task at hand. He was also very sneaky and sly , but hide those traits from others. While on the other hand his brother was very out going and curious. Both of them explored the dangerous jungles together and saw some bloody battles take place. While Kaki's bother Kaku felt sick each time he witnessed a battle , Kaki felt a rush of enjoyment flow threw his body.

Kaki spent most of his time climbing up trees and moving around the deadly jungles with steal and precision. He became very smart when it came to hiding , and knew when to pounce on a helpless victim. Kaku on the other hand remained by his mother side to protect her from any of the savage beasts lurking the shadows waiting for the perfect time to strike.

On a stormy night Kaki, Kaku and their mother were passing threw the savage like jungle when a pack of hungry beats appeared circling the family of three. The viscous fierce creatures were ready to kill. Kaki turned towards his brother and demeaned that he stayed and protect mother , while he handles them. Kaki rushed forwards with aggression burning in his eyes. As he did his best to fend off the hideous beats , more snuck up behind Kaku and his mother. Though Kaku did his best on trying to protect his mother , the beasts where to much for him to handle, thus ended up in a puddle of mud badly beaten. The beats then made their way to mother as they rip her limp from limp in a gruesome bloodshed. Meanwhile Kaki was able to slay the beats around him, and finally notices his brother on the ground , and pieces of his mother. Kaki dashed to the fallen family, and still saw Kaku breathing. Kaki raised his hand into the air and extends his small claws out, as he told his fallen brother " I told you to protect mother!" With those words Kaki slashes his brother's throat killing him instantly.

Now Kaki found himself alone with out anyone , so he decide to become a stronger and fiercer warrior. Kaki trained himself to be quicker and faster than all the other Deaflie's on the planet. As time went along , Kaki grew in his ruthless ways by killing for sport . He learned how to be silent in the jungles , to sneak up on helpless pray , and to hide  himself at night.

One day a space ship landed on the tiny planet Tacs , which carried five aliens who looked like large reptilian creatures. The aliens were looking for a new prize fighter to take around the universe and came here in search of there next fighter. The aliens rounded up two hundred of the Deaflie's using there special stun weapons to capture them. Kaki was among this large group of fighters. The aliens did close studies of all of these warriors and saw great potential due to there quick reflexes and amazing quickness.

Once finished with the studies, the aliens told the Deafline's that the strongest one of them, would be take all over the universe with everything he desires. To decide who the strongest one  was, they threw the two hundred Deafline's into the jungle and made them engage in a mass free for all, the last one alive would go with the green skinned aliens.

Kaki was one of the top rank fighters , as he eliminated his foe's quickly by ruthless aggression. As the amount of Deafline's decreased the higher Kaki's chances of winning were. Towards the end kaki gave it his all as he fought off a tough double team, by clawing his opponent in the eyes and slicing the other in the wrist. After a two day gore , Kaki was the last Deaflie standing and earned the spot to go with the aliens to travel the universe having anything he wanted.

As soon as Kaki stepped aboard the ship , he was hit with tranquilizer darts and from there they started to enhance his strength by giving him a steroid type substations , along with more medication to increase his speed and reflexes. The aliens used Kaki as a prize fighter visiting all sorts of strange worlds , having him fight for money. With the medication in his system Kaki found himself being able to hit harder , run quicker and react faster. He felt unbelievable as he tore apart his opponent's with the greatest of easy.

While they were traveling threw space , the aliens would lock Kaki in a small cage and give him pathetic scraps for meals. Kaki knew he was strong enough to break free , but remained quite as he still wanted them to keep giving him the mediation for him to become better and better. As time went on , Kaki became smarter on the battle field as he learned from his few mistakes. Kaki believed that he didn't need the mediation any longer , he was already stronger than most normal creatures out there.

As Kaki was locked inside his cage , he waited a few hours and then struck. Kaki ripped the cage door off the hinges and lunge forward at the closets alien , by giving him a solid punch to face knocking him to the ground. He charged to the next closest by sticking his sharp claws into the alien's gut. Kaki avoided two stun gun shots as he rolled to the ground , and popped back up knocking the guns away with a quick kick. The Deaflie finished off the rest of them in a gory fashion and then took controls of the ship.

Kaki wondered if there was more of their kind out there , and if they would come looking for them. kaki headed towards the next planet on there list , earth. The ship landed in an open field miles away from anybody , Kaki didn't want the race of aliens tracking him down , so he destroyed the ship by hitting the self destruction button , and ran like hell. The ship blew up into a huge ball of fire and smoke , which pleased Kaki greatly. Now Kaki was free to do what he wanted and fight who he wanted. Perhaps Kaki will be challenged on planet earth.

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