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Age:  17

Body: 10

Mind: 17

Ki: 8

Techniques: None yet

She's a saiyajin, though her blood contains a hint of namek.. it doesn't much affect her powers, personality, etc., though it affects her appearence just a bit.

Seren is quite tall and lanky, and unattractively thin, her ribs clearly visible. Her muscles are hard and strong, though they don't look like it, as most of her excercise is informal, so they aren't formed like a body builder's. Her skin is fair to the point of being pale.. she doesn't SEEM that poor, but at the same time, she looks like she doesn't eat enough, especially as the usually-hunger-driven saiyajin go. Maybe she finds eating to be a waste of time? Who knows..

Her left eye is dark green, her right dark brown with a scar running down it, making her nearly blind in that eye, though, fortunately, she's gotten used to it, so it doesn't affect her perspective. Two parallel jagged scars trail across her left cheek, and various other scars are scattered all down her body.

Seren's hair is dark brown, long, wild, and unruly. She usually dresses punk/goth, though her style changes according to her constantly-changing moods.. when she's fighting, she wears a simple, deer-hide gi. It looks like it would be uncomfortable, but she doesn't seem to mind.

Like all saiyajin, she has a long, dark brown tail, but a bit of her namek blood shows in her appearence; she has classic namek fangs, slightly pointed ears, and long, sharp nails.

A "less-than happy" childhood..
She was raised by humans, though she doesn't know why, or how they found her, or.. anything. Kami knows why they wanted a child, because they acted as if she was the worst thing that ever happened to them.

Seren, back then being called a different name, was raised without a tail by these humans.. she always wondered what was with her teeth, and her ears, but tried not to linger too much on it. Her mother wasn't too bad; she mostly just ignored the child. But her father.. her father hurt her, beat her up, yelled at her..

At the human school, she was dismissed as the average punk. Talking back, bullying others, always getting in fights, poor grades.. she hated everyone, and everyone hated her.

And that was the way she liked it.
Then one day, when she was 14 years old, her father.. drunk as always.. choked her. She doesn't even remember why he was so mad at her, now.. all she remembers is him choking her, squeezing her throat, hearing something crack, dizzying pain..

And she ran away. She blindly ran through a nearby forest, as fast as she could, gagging on her own blood, vocal chords crushed.. she didn't even notice that she had grown a tail.

Then a deep voice behind her spoke her name.
She turned around to see who it was, and right away knew she must be dreaming, because he had green skin, with antennae, and pink markings on his arms, and..

He told her.
The namek.. still a stranger now, as he never introduced himself.. told her. About the races, about the planets, about her own hybrid-species. He just.. told. And taught her how to use her ki, after doing some sort of healing thing.. it probably saved her life, but her voice is hoarse and cracked to this day, though she can force it into a semi-normal voice for short periods of time.

She never asked who he was, and never saw him again.
Soon after, she changed her name to Seren, not wanting to be associated with that part of her life, and she now lives deep in a forest far from the one she ran through so long ago, in a little house she built herself. She doesn't know why some landowner hasn't chased her off by now.

She trains constantly now, almost always alone.. with her constant mood swings, and something remarkably like insanity, she's extremely difficult to befriend, but if you do, she's one of the most loyal friends you could have, despite what she might tell you.

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