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All trainers will either train you in their moves if you meet the requirements or train you in stats until you do.  Once you've met the requirements for all of a trainers moves he will no longer be able to train your stats.  Each training session requires one fight day.  You may also spend a fight day to train on your own in which case you will receive an extra 2 stat points to distribute as you will amongst your stats.  There will be more trainers as the characters discover new things.

Roshi Turtle hermit training:  Must be good, special
Mind 3 Body 6 Ki 3

Kamehameha  (50mp. Ki):  This is Master Roshi's special Ki attack perfected over 50 years of extensive development.  This attack comes in the form of a wave or a ball.  The attack itself is created in such a way as to effectively double your pl when you use it.  You must know raise and hide pl to learn this move.

Raise and hide pl (20mp. ki): This move allows you to suppress your power to remain undetected.  It also allows you to raise your power for a short time to perform impressive feats of strength or energy.  However raising your power in this manner tires you quickly.

Sense Power(15mp. Ki, Mind): This move allows you to sense other high powers if they're high enough or close enough.  With this move you may perform a sneak attack.

After Image(20mp. Body, Ki): With this move you can focus your ki to create an image of yourself while at the same moving like lightning to a spot out of your opponents view.

Sleepy Boy(45mp. Mind): This is a hypnosis technique that with a complicated series of hand movements you can put a person to sleep.  However the attack is unlikely to work twice.

Korin Training:  Defeat Yajirobe, Must be good
You earn one senzu bean when you defeat Yajirobe.
You must also complete korin training to be able to buy senzu beans
Mind 10, Body 0, Ki 0

Telepathy (50mp, Mind):  This is the ability to communicate directly with a person's mind.  However if they do not have telepathy they cannot respond. This is also the ability to sense emotions.

Telekenieses(70mp, Mind): This is the ability to move things with your mind.  The amount you can lift depends on your PL.

Kami: Defeat Popo, must be good
After you have defeated Popo the mighty you will receive a power pole.
Mind 3 Body 5 Ki 4 + 10

Mystic Attack(100mp, Body): This attack allows you to stretch your arms and legs to incredible lengths for about 3 seconds.

Ki Shield(100mp, Ki): This move allows you to create a shield of ki around yourself and others very near you if you wish.  This shield is ALWAYS able to absorb energy from a blast that does not directly hit it.  It is also able to be created swiftly.

Strong Mind(100mp, Mind): This move slightly increases the power of all your mind moves.  It also provides some defense against mind attacks.

Red Ribbon Army training:  Must be evil and you must give them one dragon ball.
After you've completed all of red ribbon army training you'll have the option to spend a fight day in their service, and you will receive 5000 zeni if you complete your mission.
Mind 4 Body 4 Ki 4

Ninja Murasaki stealth training(100mp, body): This allows you to move unseen and unheard as easily as the night wind if conditions allow

General Blue's Paralyze attack(100mp, mind) With a fixed stare you can now paralyze a person.  You must have concentration to use this move

Sense Dragon Ball(100mp, Ki): This move will allow you to sense a dragon ball when you are nearby.  This will help you find a dragon ball without a Dragon Ball radar.

Shape Shifting School:  3000/month
After one month of shape shifting school you will be able to hold any form for 5 minutes.  After the second and final month you can hold any shape for any time.  You retain all of your original physical, mental, and ki abilities.   You must spend one fight day per week when you are in shape shifting school.  This fight day must be chosen by you at the beginning of the month

School: 3000/month + new Books each month
Over a maximum 12 month period school teaches you a wide variety of skills of use in multiple ways.  You can use training from school to do things like fix cars or at later levels fix dragon ball radars or make them.  After you've completed the full 12 months nothing will be beyond you.  You must spend one fight day per week when you are in school.  This fight day must be chosen by you at the beginning of the month

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