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Tuesday's Battles

(Scene opens on a large covered stadium with bleachers filled with cheering fans. In the center of the stadium sits a large square ring made of huge stone blocks. At the far end of the complex on a raised platform under a huge TV screen showing the empty ring sits the champ himself on a massive decorated throne. In addition to his championship belt Hercule is also wearling a golden crown with the words "MINISTER OF PAIN" written on it. Hercule stands and fans erupt in cheers for him as his face takes the place of the ring on the TV screen.)


(The fans begin to chant Hercule's name as he continues.)

Hercule: Today marks the beginning of the newest and best fight club in the universe HERCULE'S HOUSE OF PAIN!!! Only I, the champ, could possibly bring you professional fighting of this level. So sit back and prepare for the action. YEEEEAAAAHHHH!!

(Hercule raises his arms over his head and shows off his championship belt to the crowd as they scream his name,)

Hercule: Now today we only have one fight for you.

(The fans begin to boo and throw all manner of garbage at Hercule.)

Hercule: uh uh but dont' worry these two fighters are sure to give us a good show. First we have a young fighter straight from the streets of Atlanta, Barrabas Maaaarshal!!!

(An expansive pair of stone doors under Hercule's platform begins to swing open with a low scraping sound. When the doors are fully open Barrabas steps out and makes his way to the ring. Barrabas steps up onto the raised ring and gives the crowd a quick wave before beginning to stretch and roll his shoulders. Behind him comes master Wang. Wang takes up a position just outside of the ring in Barrabas' corner and gives Barrabas a few last minute words of advice.)

Hercule: And for his opponent we have for you, uh?

(Hercule scratches his head and looks down a card he pulls from inside his shirt.)

Hercule: We have for you Kaki Hun! a, uh cat lookin thingy! yeah YEAH!!!

(Hercule stares around at his fans as they continue to cheer him. Meanwhile at the other end of the complex another set of stone doors begins to open and Kaki steps out. With a quick burst of speed Kaki runs into the ring. For a moment he stands hunched ovef staring around him at all the people. Then he raises his arms over his head roars to the delight of the fans.)

Hercule: Now you have both had the rules explained to you. You lose if you land outside the ring, or if you're down for a ten count. No killing but beyond that anything goes. Now, FIGHT!

(Kaki and Barrabas each drop into a defensive stance and begin to circle each other. Barrabas stands tall and keeps his fists up like a boxer while Kaki stays low on his wide spread agile legs. Both fighters seem to be hesitant to make the first move but finally after Hercule begins to sweat from the boos of the fans Barrabas moves in. Barrabas skips forward and sends a few quick punches at Kaki who blocks with ease. Barrabas jumps back and to the left and goes into his real attack a fast round house kick to the side of Kaki's head. Kaki isn't expecting the attack from Barrabas and added with his narrow vision the kick catches him completely off guarrd. Kaki staggers to the side and Barrabas launches a quick assault, pressing his advantage. Kaki takes a few hits but recovers quickly and leaps to put some distance between himself and Barrabas. Kaki narrows his eyes and hisses in fury seeing that Barrabas is not only grinning but is now a typical karate stance)

Kaki: You're strong and clever, but you're still just a second class enemy

Barrabas: Are words all you have to fight with bitch?

(Kaki roars again and charges. Barrabas takes a step back and readies himself. As Kaki nears Barrabas he puts on a sudden burst of speed as he flies in with a leg extended. Barrabas isn't expecting Kaki to move that quickly and can't get his arm up in time to deflect the blow. Kaki connects solidly with Barrabas' chest and while Barrabas is still reeling from the blow Kaki lays into him with a series of devastating punches to the upper face. Barrabas' vision is spinning so that he's hardly able to see his enemy as the barrage continues.)


(Barrabas hearing the words of his instuctor drops to one knee avoiding Kaki's next punch and does a leg sweep taking Kaki's legs out from under him. Kaki is surprised but maintains his equilibrium. He moves into a flip intending to spring from his hands to his feet at a distance from Barrabas but as his hands touch the floor of the ring he hears Barrabas let out a scream of rage and feels Barrabas' foot nail him in the small of the back. Kaki begins to soar away from Barrabas but Barrabas grabs him by his tail and stops his momentum with a painful yank. Kaki cries out pain as Barrabas who is glowing faintly begins to swing Kaki around and around over his head. With another cry Barrabas release Kaki in an attempt to ring him out. But Kaki extends his claws and by twisting around in a manner only a deatflie could achieve sinks them deep into Barrabas' upper arm. As Kaki flies away his claws shred Barrabas' right arm however the deaflie is still headed straight for a ring out. With a cat like scream of defiance Kaki reaches down and digs his claws into the stone ring but continues to slide backward leaving ten long narrow gashes in the stone. Just before Kaki goes completely over the edge he stops and is able to scramble back into the ring without touching outside. kaki reaches behind himself and rubs his sore tail. Kaki looks around to find Barrabas and sees him in the center of the ring breathing hard and holding the remains of his right arm. Kaki smiles.)

Kaki: That last attack took quite alot out of you. Though maybe not as much as my claws did.

(Kaki grins and retracts and extends his claws in a gloating way.)

Barrabas: Fuck off.

(Barrabas stops holding his arm and readies himself. Kaki licks his lips and charges with claws extended. The two meet in the center of the ring and Kaki unloads with multiple slashing attacks. Barrabas tries to fend them off by blocking with his fore arms at Kaki's fore arms. The tactic works to a point but without the use of his right arm Barrabas quickly recieves several more gashes. Kaki suddenly jabs his claws directly for Barrabas' left eye. Barrabas is only just able to move his head to side and receives a long cut extending from the side of his eye to his ear. Barrabas makes like he's going to block Kaki's next attack but instead accepts a nasty slash across the chest to deliver a throat strike. Kaki isn't expecting the attack but is able to pull back a little bit to weaken to blow. However is still makes him choke and cough and Barrabas takes the advantage to try and throw him out of the ring again. Barrabas grabs one of arms Kaki is using to hold his throat but before he can begin the throw Kaki gives him a hard uppercut right to the chin. Barrabas' head snaps back and he topples over backward. Hercule begins to count to ten but Kaki put s a knee on Barrabas' chest and begins to pound on his face with heavy punch after heavy punch. After a bit Kaki stands up and looks at Hercule. )

Kaki: Now start counting.

(Barrabas is out cold and Hercule quickly counts to ten so that Barrabas' wounds can be tended to. The fans are going wild with the sight of so much blood and Hercule walks around the ring with Kaki acknowledging their praise. Afterwards Hercule awards Kaki with 500 zeni. After a while Barrabas comes back out with bandages on his wounds and steps into the ring. Hercule slaps him on the back and thanks him for giving the fans a good show. He then rewards him with 250 zeni.)

Hercule: Remember guys this was just your first fight as you continue and as the fans come to know who you are you'll get more and more.

Winner: Kaki
Kaki: 2 stat points
Barrabas: 1 stat point

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