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Tuesday's Battle

(Scene opens on Hercule strutting back and forth on his raised platform
while he accepts the praise of all the fans in the stadium.)
Hercule: Are all of you pain heads ready for more action?
Hercule: ALRIGHT! well Hercule's here to give it to ya.  You'll all remember
the scene last time these two fighters fought here at the house of pain but
if you don't let me just say that it was pretty nasty.
(The fans begin to scream and cheer as most of them realize who must be in
the upcoming fight.)
Hercule: That's right today we have for you the rematch between Barrabas
Marshal and, KAKI HUN.
(As Hercule announces him Kaki Hun steps out of the stone doors below
Hercule's platform.  Without acknowledging the wild cheers from the pain
heads Kaki walks right up to the ring with his eyes forward and steps in. 
The fans love him all the more for it and cheer even louder.)
Hercule: His challenger won't be coming to this rematch with the same bag of
tricks however.  kaki had better watch out for Barrabas Marshall!
(The stone doors at the other end of the stadium grate open slowly to reveal
Barrabas.  Barrabas is breathing a little heavy and a few drops of sweat are
forming on his forehead but he walks up the ring calmly enough and gives the
crowd a small wave for their luke-warm cheers.)
(Kaki starts off by charging at full speed right at Barrabas.  Kaki extends
his arm and claws right at Barrabas' gut.  Barrabas sees Kaki coming and
using his new move flight he floats back to give himself a bit more time. 
Kaki continues to move forward seeing that he will soon catch Barrabas but
Barrabas yells "KIOHMEHA".  To Kaki's surprise a blast quickly forms in
Barrabas' hand and fires right at his face.  Kaki tries to dodge and manages
to turn his face away from the blast but it still catches him squarely and
sends him rolling and bouncing to the ground.)
Hercule: ONE, TWO
(Kaki springs to his feet with a snarl and glares a Barrabas who is standing
a good distance away from him.  The fur on the side of Kaki's head is burned
off and part of his left ear is missing.  Kaki reaches up and feels the
damage gingerly.)
Kaki: How? How did you do that without a weapon?
(Barrabas smiles and drops into a defensive stance.  Kaki, enraged by
Barrabas' smug look attacks again but this time as he charges he moves back
and forth to hopefully avoid any more blasts.  Barrabas gets ready to blast
him at the moment he tries to strike but Kaki is moving too fast and
Barrabas loses him.)
Barrabas: DAMN!
(Barrabas leaps into the air and uses flight to get more height just in time
to aviod Kaki's lunge from the side.  Kaki is stunned to see Barrabas
floating in the air above him but he recovers quickly and jumps trying to
catch Barrabas and drag him down from his beating.  Barrabas moves higher
into the air as Kaki jumps up and lets off another blast.  Kaki is in mid
air and can't really dodge too well but he manages to twist to the side and
takes the blast on his left shoulder.  Kaki is sent the ground hard and
lands on one knee.  His left shoulder is now burned in the same manner as
his face and the stink of burning hair fills his nostrils.  As Kaki is
climbing to his feet another blast comes flying in.  Kaki springs forward
and rolls just missing the blast but two more are already on their way. 
Kaki jumps to avoid them and they smash into the ring making two small
craters.  Meanwhile the fans are going wild.  Half of them are screaming for
Kaki to tear Barrabas apart but the other half wants to see more explosions
and calls for Barrabas to lay the smack down.  Kaki is coming down from his
jump but Barrabas sends other blast right at him.  Kaki knows he can't dodge
in mid air and crosses his arms in an attempt to block the blast.  The blast
hits him directly and he is again thrown to the ring hard.  Kaki is thinking
to himself that these blasts are hurting him more than they should be but as
he's getting up Barrabas lands on his back.  Barrabas punches Kaki twice to
the kidneys and then sends a double hand smash to the back of Kaki's head. 
Kaki twist around to see Barrabas backing off and preparing another blast. 
Kaki springs to his feet and as Barrabas fires the blast kaki jumps for him.
  The blast grazes Kaki's back as he sails upward toward Barrabas.  Barrabas
seeing that the blast missed tries to fly higher but Kaki grabs his ankle. 
Kaki's weight begins to drag Barrabas down but Barrabas pushes harder and
begins to rise even higher.  Meanwhile Kaki extends his claws sinking them
deep into Barrabas' leg and reaches up with his other arm.  Ruthlessly as
Barrabas takes him higher Kaki begins to claw his way up Barrabas making
several long slashes on his way up.  As Kaki pulls himself up to eye level
with Barrabas the two reach the stadium roof.  Both fighters are trying to
deal a desisive blow but in such close quarters neither can score a good
hit.  Suddenly Kaki roars and tries to rip out Barrabas' throat with his
teeth.  Barrabas pulls back and Kaki sinks his teeth deep into Barrabas'
shoulder.  Barrabas screams in pain but slams his palm against Kaki's
Barrabas: Time to get regulated!
(Barrabas gives Kaki a blast right to his chest.  The impact makes Kaki open
his mouth but as the blast rips him off of Barrabas he manages to hook the
claws of one hand in Barrabas' chewed shoulder taking him along for the
ride.  The blast pushes Kaki to the ring floor and explodes on him. 
Barrabas catches some of the blast and is thrown a small distance.  Barrabas
lands on his feet and turns back to see the smoke clearing.  In the center
of another small hole in the ring Kaki is slowly getting to his feet with
one hand holding his ribs.  Barrabas is breathing hard but he reaches deep
and finds the energy for one more blast.  With another yell he pitches it at
Kaki who is still too dazed to dodge.  The blast nails Kaki is the same
shoulder as before and rolls him to the ground.  Hercule begins to start
counting but sees that Kaki is trying to make it to his feet.  Kaki is on
his hands at knees when Barrabas lands on him.)
Barrabas: This is for last time PUNK!
(Barrabas begins to pound on Kaki with heavy blows that drive him back to
the ground.  The fans go nuts as Barrabas lifts his two hands clenched
together high over his head and brings them down on the back of Kaki's neck,
shoulder's and head over and over again.  Kaki sees the ring come up the
slam him in the face again and again before his vision finally fades to
black.  Barrabas stands up breathing hard and completely exhausted.  He is
covered from head to toe in gaping wounds but as Hercule counts to ten he
manages to smile and wave at the crowd.  Hercule walks out and declares this
a to be a great rematch.  He hands Barrabas 500 zeni for the win plus 100
more for overcoming the current champ Kaki.  After he recieves his money
Barrabas walks out of the ring and back into the locker room.  As Barrabas
is walking out kaki wakes up.  He sees Barrabas leaving and knows he has
lost the fight.  Hercule walks up to him and gives him 250 zeni plus another
100 for lasting so long and giving the fans such a good show.)
2 stat points for Barrabas
1 stat point for Kaki

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