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(Scene opens on Hercule's empty throne at Hercule's house of pain. Around the stadium the fans are chatting with each other about the past matches and the one getting ready to start. Suddenly smoke covers Hercule's raised platform and loud speakers begin to declare Hercule's arrival with his customary music. After a minute the smoke clears to reveal a still empty platform. The fans stare around in confusion when suddenly Hercule flips onto the platform brusing crumbs otu of his mustache. Hercule raises his arms and roars spilling a few more crumbs onto his chest but nobody seems to notice.)

Hecule: Loyal fans Hercule is HERE! And ready to bring you all the action you pain heads are hurtin for.

(The fans scream and cheer for Hercule and he raises his arms again, basking in thier applause.)

Hercule: Today we have for you a new contender and an old stand by. First the challenger. He's new to the club but he's ready to make a name for himself. Lets hear it for Gosei Saotome!

(The stone doors across from Hercule's platform grate open to reveal Gosei up on the balls of his feet. He darts into the ring and throws a few punches then takes a more relaxed stance and waves at the crowd.)

Hercule: And his opponent, You know him, you love him, and he's given you more blood than all the other members combined, KAAAAKIIII HUUUUN!

(The fans go wild as Kaki steps out of the doors beneath Hercule's platform wearing his weighted boots and arm bands. He slowly saunters up to the ring and springs in not looking at the crowd once. Casually he surveys Gosei then gives him a toothy grins and crosses his arms over his chest.)

Hercule: Let the fight, BEGIN!

(Kaki walkes to the center of the ring and takes a fighting stance. Meanwhile Gosei dances at a distance in a defensive manner.)

Gosei: C'mon kitty, I've seen steaks tougher than y....

(Gosei's breath is ripped from his lungs by a heavy punch to the gut he never saw coming. As he lets out his breath in a moaning gurgle he looks up to see Kaki grinning at him. His eyes widen and Kaki's elbow comes crashing down on the back of his head. With no breath left to cry out with Gosei simply collapses to the ring floor still straining to get some air. Kaki leaps back to the center of the ring and crosses his arms again as Hercule begins to count.)

Hercule: 1...2...3...4

Herucle(thoughts): uh oh this isn't good. The fans will tear this place apart if it ends this quickly.


(Kaki glares at Hercule been then hear Gosei getting to his feet. Kaki turns and sees Gosei breathing hard but standing up and in a fighting stance. Kaki nods and extends one hand to beckon Gosei forward. Gosei knowing that a defensive style won't work comes on in a blinding flury of punches and kicks. Kaki's eyes widen a bit as the first punch comes in but a tilt of his head saves him from a hit. Gosei works on Kaki relentlessly not giving him a chance to breathe but Kaki dodges or blocks every blow. Suddenly Gosei springs back and jumps forward again with a powerful flying kick. Kaki ducks under the kick and with one hand grabs Gosei's leg and throws him towards the edge of the ring. As Gosei flies out of Kaki's grasp he feels a sharp burning in his leg but doesn't stop to worry about it. quickly he turns himself over in mid air and springs off the ring floor with his hands turning his wild flight toward the edge of the ring into a controlled flip that lands him a good distance from Kaki. Gosei tries to charge and continue his assault but his leg gives a sharp twinge and looking down he sees that his calf has been devastated by Kaki's claws. Gosei looks up to see Kaki walking slowly towards him. As he gets closer he extends his claws and grins wickedly. Gosei who is down on one knee watches him come while trying to figure out what he can do. Soon Kaki is standing over Gosei, barely two feet away.)

Kaki: Ready?

(In desperation Gosei casts around for somthing that might save him.)

Gosei: Yes.

(Gosei launches a punch at Kaki's leg hoping to hobble him. Kaki only just sees the attack coming in time and lifts his leg. Gosei goes sprawling and Kaki slams his foot on Gosei's back pinning him to the floor. Kaki stomps on Gosei a few times before picking his limp form up by one wrist and holding him high for the crowd to see. With a snarl Kaki tears a few new cuts into Gosei's chest. Gosei cries out and tries a chop to Kaki's neck but Kaki easily catches the hand and squeezes. As Gosei's vision fades to black the last sounds he hears are the roar of the crowd and the snapping of the bones in his hand. Kaki drops Gosei to the floor and Hercule counts him out quickly so the medics can get to him. After a minute or two they give Hercule a nod and take Gosei out on a strecher.)

Hercule: Winner Kaki Hun!

(The fans cheer as Kaki takes a walk around the ring.)

Hercule: And lets hear it for our new fighter. He tried his best but you can't beat the big dog on your first day in yard. I say 650 to our winner and 400 for Gosei for giving his all.

(The fans cheer again as Hercule and Kaki make their exits.)

Winner Kaki Hun: 1 stat point

Loser Gosei Saotome: 1 stat point (Gosei must spend the next event day to recover.)

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