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Painter, Ursula


Body: 17

Mind: 10

Ki: 11

PL:  480


Dragon of Stone - Mystic Blood: This move allows Ursula to sense magic, and gives her the potential to learn spells. Also, it gives some resistance to acid. MP Cost: 10.


1750 zeni

Ursula is a short but imposing woman.  She stands 5 feet and 3 inches tall and has an average frame, but is very strong.  Her long black hair is wild, but to prevent it from spiking up she keeps it in a long and thick braid.  She usually wears denim cut-offs and a t-shirt with a baseball cap, and often wears sandals or no shoes at all.  She shaved her leg hair long ago, not knowing it would never grow back.  She smiles absently, and looks dumber than she really is.  Her tail is gone.  She wears a silver cross that her father gave her for her 16th birthday, but keeps it under her shirt.

When a scientist named Sysus Corphyrra was traveling in the wilderness looking for new species to catalogue, she ran across a wild boy with a tail.  The boy called himself Son Goku, and was very polite, but refused to go back with Sysus for her to study him.  So, Sysus plucked one of his hairs, and took a skin sample (after being knocked out when she pulled out the scalpel, before she could explain she wasn't trying to hurt him) put it in a sample bag, and took it back to her laboratory.

Once she arrived, she immediately setting out to clone the boy.  She took her samples and got all the genetic information she could from them, and then used a super computer to actually construct a life form with the exact same DNA.  However, the machine could only create female clones, and as Goku had only one X chromosome, Sysus had to use one of her own.

So, the child was created using Son Goku's and Sysus' DNA, and it grew quite well in vitro.

Birth, however, was another matter.  When the child was removed from the tube, she was incredibly unruly and strong, even though she was just a baby.  In a fit of infantile rage, she released a mighty ki blast that destroyed the lab, and killed her mother/creator.  When the lab was destroyed, things only got worse, as the full moon was out, and the newborn girl transformed into the horrible  Oozaru beast.  She trampled half of a small Texan town named Fluke before she hit a gas station's fuel storage, which exploded and burned off her tail.  When the police searched the location where the monster ape had "disappeared", they found the young girl, and said it was a miracle that she had survived the explosion.

The girl was taken in by the sheriff, John Painter, and his wife Deborah.  Despite her initial temper, the girl was "sweet as pie" after having her memory erased by the explosion.  After a few days of debate, the pair decided to call the child Ursula.

Ursula grew up normally in Fluke, although everyone commented on her enurmous strength and great appetite.  As a child she made lots of friends but tended to scare them off after a quick period of time.  She ended up with a few fast friends who learned not to play rough with her, though, so overall she was pretty happy.

When Ursula was nine, her tail grew back overnight, and on the night of a full moon at that, and before anyone knew what was going on, she was Oozaru again and had again went on a rampage.  This time, though, she was much bigger, and destroyed the entire town.  Only her father survived, as he was out of town at the time.  When he returned, the whole place had been smashed, and his daughter was lying naked amongst the rubble with a tail sticking out of her backside.  He cut it off with a bowie knife, and still grieving over his wife, found some clothes for his daughter and left town.

Later, he told Ursula that the gas station had exploded, and that "mom and everyone" had died in the explosion.  To this day he has kept the secret from her.  They moved to Dallas, where John got a job at the local department, mostly as a favor from the Seargent there, who was a friend of his.  He and Ursula lived by themselves, and got by, but John was quieter after that, and Ursula really missed all of her old friends, and had trouble making new ones.  She never lost her sweetness, but in the fast-paced city she was often feared for her great strength or ridiculed for her country-girl manner by her classmates.  She graduated from highschool with only a couple of friends and without having gone to a single dance.

Ursula went to UT Austin for college.  She studied engineering, and did alright, but is having trouble finding a job in Dallas because she gets nervous at job interviews.  Right now she still lives with her father and works as a bouncer at a club called Blue Moot, owned by the mysterious gentleman Colin Stonfaler, who apparently sees something in her.

Ursula is still sweet and polite, but because she is used to being teased and ostracized, is quick to shy away from people, and gets nervous.  She loves shoujo anime, strawberries, bugs, trees, gospel and classical music, Charlie's Angels, computers, animals, and trucks.  She hates punk rock, caramel, and cantaloupes.  If she is teased she will usually back down.  She can play the violin but hasn't practiced in a long time.  She just doesn't get girls who are into Wicca.

Ursula is not combative by nature but her father feels that if she doesn't atone for the destruction she has caused, she will be damned for all the deaths, and he will be damned for keeping her ignorant of it.  Still, he fears to tell her the truth, and instead pushes her to use her great strength to help protect people.  Apparently Mr. Stonfaler agrees, and is seeking out an appropriate trainer to galvanize her raw ability into fighting prowess.

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