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The Spirit Of America

For a moment I'm going to cry for America
I'm going to hide under the covers and sleep
I'm going to think about the children who lost parents
The mothers and fathers who lost children
Just for a moment I'm going to hurt like I've never hurt before
I'm going to let my body shake with the sobs that cover my face with tears
Just for a moment I'm going to cry out and ask why

For a moment I'm going to listen to the President's words
I'm going to throw off the covers
I'm going to wipe away the tears
I'm going to still my shaking body
Just for a moment I'm going to say a prayer all Americans
I'm going to honor the victims with silence

For a moment I'm going to become angry
I'm going to wish for revenge
I'm going to listen for the word war with hope
Just for a moment I'm going to be bitter and feel hate
I'm going to wish unkind things against another

For a moment I am going to gaze out my window
I'm going to stare at the stars and stripes
I'm going to walk out and lower Old Glory to half-mast
Just for a moment I'll stand still and listen to "God Bless America"
My heart will be heavy as I walk back inside
My eyes will mist over as I watch my fellow Americans stand together
For a lifetime I will stand proud knowing I'm an American
Our flag stands freedom...Yesterday...Today...Tomorrow...We are free
I will gladly stand beside my fellow Americans and fight for justice
We are the American people...the ones you see on TV lighting candles
We watched our buildings fall, but you will never watch America fall
You will see us stand together and become stronger as we link our arms around each other
You will never see us crumble and fall as our buildings did
You can not crush the American Spirit...

You may take American lives, but their spirit lives on in every one of us
You may have crushed our buildings, but you did it like a coward
Take a your TV and let us teach you what courage is
Take a moment because thats all you have left...

You attacked the spirit of America...too bad for you
From one Proud American to cowards
_.l.. See you soon.

ŠLisa aka Destiny Sparkle

Donate To The Red Cross
