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First Generation:
Isaac Harris

Second Generation:

Third Generation:

Fourth Generation:

Fifth Generation:

Isaac Harris Family Page

Background of Prior Isaac Harris Family research

This portion of the website is devoted to providing information about the descendants of Isaac Harris, in hopes it may be useful to family members in further genealogical research on the Harris line. Isaac Harris was born in Brunswick County, Virginia in 1729. He died in a battle with Indians in West Virginia, leaving several orphaned children. Action by the court on their behalf provided us with the information necessary to link the descendant families to him. Several descendants of this pioneering family have devoted efforts to learning more about their origins. Until some of this information was gathered together, some descendants knew no more than that their ancestors were all "of the Pendleton District, South Carolina." In 2001, we are somewhat closer to learning the origins of this family in America.
Research on Various Harris Family lines

Genealogists descended from Isaac Harris have not been idle all these years. With the facility of the internet, the results of the efforts of several extended Harris family members now have come together. Many researchers have diligently sought to clarify the facts regarding the Harris family in America. Two excellent papers following several family lines came to our attention in June, 2001. One of them had been uncovered in 1977, and the other has been available for many years as well. We still have no way of knowing whether the older research paper pertains to our Isaac Harris line, though it mentions a different Isaac Harris whose family lived in the same county and in the same general timeframe as our ancestor.
BR> The Harrises tended to settle near other members of their family. This fact provides a slim hope that a missing linkage may be found between the families covered in the two papers. If someone comes up with data that establishes a clear connection between the two, it may solve the mystery of the origins of our family line in the USA. These documents are posted on the Isaac Harris Family Page , the first of the pages hotlinked in the index at the top left of this page.
Help via internet from George A. Harris

George A. Harris, a descendant of Isaac Harris's son, Zachariah Harris, made the initial contact that brought Garda Hodgson's research to the attention of a descendant of Benjamin Harris, another of Isaac's sons. George has spent considerable time and effort just seeking out such connections. He does not claim to have done the original research, but has found the results of many who have spent years poring over county records, visting cemeteries, etc., to develop the documentation of various family connections.

His efforts have been a sort of catalyst that has brought the disparate efforts of a number of others working on different branches of the family Among other things George has provided a listing of descendants of Isaac Harris, that provides basic information about his children and grandchildren. Many will find this listing useful because of the source information it includes. George attributes much of the information on this listing to information provided to him by his cousin, Charles N. Ferguson, who, in turn, told him he got much of the information from Garda Hodgson, who wrote the excellent research paper featured above.

Still under construction

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Direct comments to: Doug Paulson, e:mail address (

This page last updated August 29, 2001

© 2001 Isaac Harris Descendants,
Doug Paulson, Webmaster,
All Rights Reserved.

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