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First Generation:
Isaac Harris

Second Generation:

Third Generation:

Fourth Generation:

Fifth Generation:

Fourth Generation
Isaac Harris Family Page

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This space reserved for a link to a biographical sketch of the life of a descendant of Isaac Harris.

This space reserved for a link to a report on family history, perhaps the story of the pioneer children crossing the plains with their mother.

This space reserved for a link to a page reciting some other historical or biographical notation of interest to the family.

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Direct comments to: Doug Paulson, e:mail address (

This page last updated September 1, 2001

© 2001 Isaac Harris Descendants,
Doug Paulson, Webmaster,
All Rights Reserved.

What this copyright means is that you
can't copy this material for commercial gain.
Family members may copy items for personal use
and genealogical research. All manuscripts
reproduced on this site used by permission of
the respective authors, (e.g., copyright owners).