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Time in the Word


What Amazing Love

As promised, the return of the "Before I go segment" from the my internet show. This time out our writer is a woman with a heart for God and a anointed message, Joanne Lowe.

“Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.”

Luke 23:34 King James Version

What amazing love our Saviour has for us that He would say “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do”. What kind of love is this that He would say this to His Father? It is an unconditional love for you and for me that came from the depths of His heart. O what a loving Saviour we have!

Not only does Jesus have an amazing love for us, our Heavenly Father also has an amazing love for us. He loves us so much that He sent His beloved Son into the world to die for our sins. How it must have hurt Him and how His heart must have broken into millions of tiny pieces when Jesus left Heaven.

When my brother went into the service, my Mother watched him go and she stood there for a long time watching even after he was out of sight. I believe that when Jesus left to go on His mission that God and Jesus hugged each other for a long time. I believe that they had cried and said “I will miss You”.

If you ever feel all alone and believe that nobody loves you, remember the excruciating pain, grief and heartaches that Jesus suffered for you on the cross. He died for you! That is how much He loves you. There is no greater love than the love of our precious Saviour. No one loves you like Jesus loves you.

Heavenly Father, thank You for loving us so much and for caring about our happiness. Jesus, thank You for dying for us and for staying on the cross when You could have come down. You are indeed a loving and compassionate Saviour. I appreciate You and I love You with all of my heart. Amen.

Joanne Lowe January 21, 2011

If you like to have a new and personal relationship with Jesus. All you need to do is pray this simple prayer.

Jesus, I am a sinner. Please forgive me of my sin, and please come into my life. I want you to be Lord of all, and a friend to me. Draw me close to you, so I can draw close. I place you in the center of my life. Thank you for saving me, and for dying on the cross for me. I praise and thank you Father, and in Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

If you prayed that prayer for the first time, you are a new person in Jesus. From this day forward, you belong to Jesus. Whenever satan tempts you, just call the name above all names, Jesus. He will deliver you, all you have to do is ask. I would encourage you get into a Bible believing church where you can grow in the Lord. Let someone know of your descision to serve Jesus. Get a Bible, and get into the Word of God, and pray. If you don't know how, anyone at your local church will be glad to help you. You can even call 1-877-644-5725, if you need to talk or need prayer. I would also ask that you leave a message in the guestbook to let me know of you descision. So I can pray for you, and encourage you in your walk with Jesus. Once again, welcome to the kingdom. If we never meet on Earth, we will in Heaven.

I wasn't sure where I would go with this page next. But then God reminded me of a part of my show from Planet Light Force I looked forward to, as well as put a lot of time in. The last segment in which I really got into the Word. Where I would read a verse from scripture and then expand on that. Always leading back to Jesus and salvation. And now I will do that here. Leaving a message of hope and salvation for all to see. I will try to update this every week. Let me know how it impacted you day by sending an e-mail or two. I will let this run for another couple of weeks and then begin. May you be truly blessed today in all you do.

I would also like to thank Joanne Lowe for the inspiring messages every day.

Joanne's Blog Site

God Bless and keep serving Jesus

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