Look at the pwitty dryad! Here's a picture of a dryad, an artist rendition, anyway. Not much of an artist, but I'll do. I like it. I started out trying to find images of dryads for this site that don't involve breaking copyright laws, and I ended up with my own pen and hands. Talent, talent. I drew this picture of a “dryad” with this black Sharpie I found next to the computer on a sheet of printer paper, and scanned it in, and in a vain attempt to make it NOT look like I did that, inverted the colors. And added some text. But I know I really didn’t fool anyone.

A dryad is a wood nymph. Shall I say it again? They are nymphs. This means dryads are NOT British or Celtic or whatever the heck fairies/faeries (you pick the spelling you prefer) are. Nymphs are little Greek deities that run around, and they belong to nature things like lakes, and rivers, and mountains, and, of course, trees. Dryads, and all nymphs, are different from fairies in that they look like ordinary human women. No pointy ears. The myths say they're divinely beautiful (they ARE goddesses, aren't they?) and mostly revolve around their love lives, which revolve around Zeus and sex. Such were the Greeks.

I like mythology. I do not like fantasy. And I picked dryads because... I dunno... I like trees. I'm not a yuppie, but I've hugged 'em! Am I kidding?

You know what bubbles are of course (and by the way, my stick figure dryad is blowing bubbles, of course) but you may be wondering where I got the idea of putting the two unrelated objects together to make the name for my site. Well, the thing is, it’s not an obscure allusion to an old movie or book or some silly inside joke. I just happened to like blowing bubbles, and trees. I wish I had something more interesting to put here, perhaps, like the stories my old uncle used to tell me about the superhero dryads who killed those awful Ford bungee jumper Evil People using their scary, but very Good, bubble-gun.

Oh, and how one pronounces “dryad” is this: DRI ed (“i” as in ice and "ed" as in the name…). If you want to argue, okay, go right ahead, with the dictionary.

"Dryadbubbles" is really nothing that concerns you, or anyone else, just me wanting to blow bubbles sitting in a tree. Ah well.