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Game Camera Pics

Round 10


It was my intent with this round of images to explore the theory (or myth) that deer and other wildlife won't frequent areas that have been recently timbered or damaged by timbering. Well, I think these photos have quashed the myth. I located the camera in an area that had been stripped of large timber and flattened by log skidders. As you will see, the deer seemed to enjoy carousing the area. As usual, there are some "unexplained" images.















These next set of images fall into the unidentified category, although this first image is probably a deer.



This next image is eyeshine from something.



Before you start claiming this next image is a giant spider, remember that it takes body heat to trigger the camera.



This next image appears to be a large animal that is so close to the camera that it couldn't focus. Hmmmmm....


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