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Game Camera Pics

Round 5


There were false triggers on the camera this round due to another cool front blowing in. I scanned this round of pictures so they display the time of day stamp at the lower right hand corner of the frame. This round of pictures had some really neat images. Enjoy!


These next three images are of rabbits. The second rabbit appears to be running by the front of the camera.


Well, I think I know what the rabbit was running from. These next two images appear to be bobcats. This has me perplexed because although they are "bobcat" sized kittys, they appear to be more the build and color of a lynx. These images are one minute apart, and this leads me to believe they are a pair and not the same cat. Bobcats (and lynx) often hunt in pairs. I have observed this more than once.


I can't tell what it is, but there is some small animal slightly left of center in this picture that doesn't appear in the frames above. Maybe just another small rabbit.


Some hunters will hunt a lifetime and never see a buck like this. This is the time of year in East Texas for whitetail bucks to start scraping. I wanted to see if I was still hunter enough to locate a big one by finding his scrape line and then get him on film. Although this is a big buck, he is still young. I would say as young as four years old. He has a big rack, but the diameter of his main beams are small and he is just now starting to "bulk up" and look like a mature buck. Although most hunters would give both thumbs for this deer right now, in 2 to 3 years with the right amount of protein and mineral in his diet, this buck will be a real record class trophy and probably top 200 lbs on the hoof. He looks to weigh over 150 lbs right now. An interesting thing about this buck is since he is still young, the scrapes he was leaving were only about the size of a large dinner plate. Most hunters who are out in the woods looking for "big buck" scrape lines would have passed this one up. Let that be a lesson to you as I have observed this often. Big bucks don't always leave big scrapes. What gave him away to me was that he was leaving big rubs on big saplings.


This is in a different location from the frame above and shows another good buck walking away from the camera.


This group of three does seems to have found the camera.


This spike buck is in the same location as the does and the exiting buck above. In this picture, he looks to be a fully mature deer. If this is the case, he will never have a big rack like the buck above and neither will his offspring. This is the deer you really need to harvest and remove from the local herd's gene pool.


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