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Game Camera Pics

Round 9


This round of pics has some interesting images. These pics were also shot with 800 speed film, as was the last round. I also had the images developed in a larger format, so the pics are a little bigger this time.

I was doing my best to capture only predators this round. I am of the belief that predators often use different crossings and trails than the general animal population. My success was a little inconclusive, but promising. As usual, there are some "unexplained" images.


This first frame shows a retreating armadillo in the left-hand side of the frame.


If you compare this next frame to the others at this location, you will detect something at the lower right-hand corner of the frame.


No, this next frame is not the believed-to-be-extinct Tasmanian tiger. It is the rear-end of a pit bulldog. What he is doing way out here is anybody's guess.


This next frame shows a new location, and a deer walking along this fenceline.


This next frame shows an armadillo at this location.


. . and Mr. O'possum . .


. . and Mr. Bunny . .


. . and Mr. Raccoon . .


. . and Mr. Raccoon exiting.


Now, in this next frame, keep in mind that the camera is mounted three feet off of the ground at the same location. Hmmm....


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