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E-mail YohkoYohko
E-mail RyushiRyushi


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Well I guess this section is a little about me yohko!! Name:Miyohko Kanno (just call me Yohko!)
Hobbies:I love to do anything!My main hobbies are drawing,being with my buds,watching anime,working on webpage type junk,and playing almost every sport out there!!!
Fav Food:Chinese or Japanese Food!!
Least Fav Food:Anything thats still moving by the time it's suppose to be ready to eat(ewwwww!)
Job:I do pretty much everything around here Ryushi has been helping me get started so visit her page and sign her guestbook to show your appreciation!

Anime Episode Locator



I,My,Me!Strawberry Eggs 6-10
X TV Series 13-15
Kodomo No Omocha 52-96
Fruits Basket 1-14
Battle Angel
Our Other Pages

Sweet Lemon


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