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What has Cyber Sisters done for me?


~A Sister Like You~

What ever the future may hold one thing will still be true one of life's greatest gifs will always be to have a sister just like you.


Terrie aka

I never knew this "little black box" even existed, till my sister told me about it 4 years ago.......

I was home in Kansas for a visit, because my home sickness was unbearable. My sister and I moaned and groaned about our phone bills to one another, and she told me about webtv..... She said we could email each other, and even record our voices to one another, so I could get a grip on being homesick.......:^)

She opend a whole new world for me, and at the same time.....created a monster!!!! hahaha!

Then came the ""mass"" email that changed my life!!

Lucille had hit "reply all" and I loved her email graphics. so I wrote and told her...she then asked if I would like to join her group...The Cyber Sisters!

My world became filled with laughter, tears, hugs, friendships, trust and love.

I have come to this group upset with heart break, fears, and worries, and my sisters have always, without fail, shown their love and compassion, as well as guided expertise, and helped me thru whatever I was going thru. I have come to the group in celebration of the birth of a grandchild, a new job, or just a funny joke, and they all rally together with congratulations, a laugh, or "Momma is gonna get you Terrie".......:^)

I adore these sisters!!

God graced me with one real sister, and blessed me abundantly with ""many"" sisters!!

My cyber sisters are a part of my life, my very being, and complete my total existance!!

I love you all, and will hold tightly to the heart strings you have tied around my heart, and carry our friendship, and love for one another in the depths of my soul forever!

The Cyber Sister reunions we have at my home, is the hightlight of the year for me!! We get together for these shared laughs, tears, chats, and get a real hug, from someone you know really loves you....a cyber sister!!!

My love, thoughts and prayers ........Terrie


Mary Jane aka

I am so happy that I am a CyberSister. This group of Ladies have been like a bright ray of sunshine & hope to me. You've all added so much to my life. You've listened to me through all my hurtful times emotionally because of my family problems and you have been there for me through my health problems. You've been there for & with me in good times & bad and I am truly grateful & appreciative. You'll nver know how much a click can connect hearts & minds until you experience unconditonal love from a bunch of ladies who claim you as their sister & fullfill every aspect in what a Sister does & is. Sisters and Friends are one of the same.I love you all dearly and I do Thank God for leading me to you. I pray that I bring not only a life of sorrow, sadness & pity to you all, but a sense of love, friendship, caring and sharing to your lives. Through tears & cheers,

I've been Blessed by you all.

Father does know Best & he lead me to the Best!!!!

Love & Hugs, Mary Jane:-)))


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