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I saw a wayworn traveler
In tattered garments clad,
And struggling up the mountain,
It seemed that he was sad;
His back was laden heavy,
His strength was almost gone,
Yet he shouted as he journeyed,
"Deliverance will come."


Then palms of victory,
Crowns of glory,
Palms of victory I shall wear.

'Mid storms, and clouds, and trials,
in prison, at the stake,
He leaped for joy, rejoicing,
'twas all for Jesus' sake;
That God should count him worthy,
was such supreme delight, He cried, "The yoke is easy,
the burden, is so light."

I saw him in the evening;
the sun was bending low;
He'd overtopped the mountain,
and reached the vale below:
He saw the Golden City
--his everlasting home
And shouted loud, "Hosanna!
Deliverance will come!"

While gazing on that city,
just o'er the narrow flood,
A band of holy angels
came from the throne of God;
They bore him on their pinions
safe o'er the dashing foam,
And joined him in his triumph:
Deliverance had come!

I heard the song of triumph
they sang upon that shore,
Saying, Jesus has redeemed us
to suffer nevermore!
Then casting his eyes backward
on the race which he had run,
He shouted loud, "Hosanna!
Deliverance has come!"