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Going Bananas Over GorGor

August 23, 2000,Shanghai,from the press conference for his Passion Tour in Mainland China.Gorgeous, isn't he?Picture from Oriental Daily.

How cute is he looking in a gift bag from the Cash Award Dinner? October 27, 2001.Picture from HK Daily.

The following are from City Magazine, May, 2001

I love these! Hope you do, too!

Sept.16,2001,The following were taken from Leslie's Japanese Photo Book. Photos from StarEast.Net and Hong Kong Daily.

This picture is from City Entertainment, March 1999

This is the photo from the cd that I really, really wish I had. I've even made stationery with this one!

Sept. 8, 2000, going to Malaysia for Passion Tour. When in en route to Kuala Lampur? (O: Can't quite properly ask...when in Rome? Picture from Show8.

These are favorites of mine.

Many thanks to Nadia (Leslie Pillow)and Landy (Love GorGor)who have allowed me to share some of my very favorite photos on their web sites. Hope that you've enjoyed going bananas over our gorgeous GorGor, too! (O:

Some Favorite Links

Temptress Moon Home Page
Leslie Pillow
Love GorGor
Leslie And Friends
Leslie And Friends 2
Going Bananas 2
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