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For Fun Quizes

Take the Which Good Charlotte Member Are You? Quiz

take this quiz to see what character or personality you're most like! by divachop

I am 39% evil.

I could go either way. I have sinned quite a bit but I still have a bit of room for error. My life is a tug of war between good and evil.

Are you evil? find out at

Which WWF diva are you?

i'm Cherry flavoured!

I'm 2-D

You must really hate yourself. You're cynical and self-loathing, the epitome of the Prozac poster child. No guy in his right mind would touch you with a ten foot pole. You've had some odd adventures in your day and hopefully, in the future one of your strange journeys will lead you to a tiny shred of happiness...or atleast a good shrink. Poopy train.
Take The "Which Kevin Smith Female Are You?" Quiz!!

Fairly Addicted
Fairly Addicted
You are fairly addicted to online tests. While not to be taken lightly, your addiction is still manageable.

Take this test at and find out how addicted you are!

Which SNL Loser are *YOU*?