The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 2

So here's the second edition on the Sad and the Pathetic:

Here I am, making my way through a grilled cheese sandwich and just about ready do start on my fruit roll-up. I'm thinking does a fruit roll-up count as a serving of fruit? Well the package is not very clear on that. We'll say yes, but I wonder if plastic counts as a food group. Well at least my apple juice should count as something towards a serving, but as I've made it through one year of college and didn't die I've found that not much that in considered "food" can kill you. Even if they do classify it as "mexican". Just say NO kids. *wink, wink* Well I have two more days of economics and one of them is the exam. Fun, fun, fun. . .till my daddy takes my t-bird away. . . hey wait I don't have a t-bird. . . I'm going have to think about that one another time. Now some people wrote back and claimed that I had way too much time on my hands. Another said I should be a talk show host. hmm. . .I think that perhaps they both could be right. My mother says I would make an excellent talk show host. I say that if I can make what Oprah makes sign me up- I'm in. Show me the money honey! wait a minute has someone said that before? hmmm. . .

So I have this kind of meeting/date with someone this weekend. That shoudl be interesting hopefully. Nothing worse that being bored. I think he's too short for me though. I'm not a picky person though- as long as they're 6', great hair, nice smile, funny, not more sensitive than me, washboard stomach, intellgent, and think I'm a goddess- that's all I need. hahahaha. . .yeah whatever. . .as long as I can have a great conversation I'm pretty much set. Actually I was talking with someone(yeah I know- I never talk with anyone) and I was saying that I didn't want a sensitive man. I don't want him completely insensitive, just not more sensitive than me. That would drive me crazy. So they cracked up. what? I guess no one has ever heard that one before, but think about it. If he's more sensitive than I am then I'll end up hurting his feelings and I don't like hurting anyone's feelings. Makes me feel bad. So it would never work. Plus he wouldn't get my sarcasm and wouldn't think I was funny and that is completely unacceptable unless he's all the things I stated about. . .6', etc. okay so I'm kidding, kind of, not really. Just don't misunderstand me.

So I've had someone tell me that I was insensitive and here I am worrying about it. So I ask a friend- do you think I'm insensitive? the response- mary, are you worrying about being insensitive? yes. well how can you be insensitive if you're worrying about being insensitive. - this of course makes perfect sense and I can't believe I didn't see that before. duh. . .I hate missing the obvious. feel pretty dumb.

okay I could ramble on for hours like this, but I have no where to go and nothing to do. . .actually I could clean my room. . what a sty. . . .nahhh. . . Well my perfect grilled cheese has been consumed; my fruit-roll-up is rolling in my stomach; and my apple juice has been drained; and this insight into my brain is at an end.

Have a great day.

yours truely,

