The Sad and the Pathetic: Issue 4

The Sad and the Pathetic: Issue 4

Yes, yes. . . It's the fourth. I know this one is early. . . but you'll just have to deal with it. I've have received an e-mail or two or three saying that I'm being pictured naked. I have only one thing to say to that. Stop it! or not. . .which ever you prefer. . *wink* So today I think is a record for me- I've been called a freak(which isn't unusual in itself), funny(don't ask me where that came from) and crazy and that my e-mails are a riot. I thank you for your comments and revel in them. My goal here is to get people to respond. I obviously have been failing in my attempt as a get very few replies. . .that doesn't look right. . replys? . . hmm. . .oh well you get my point.

I think everyone should congradulate Sara on starting her new job on Monday. Bravo. . .may the fish plant never go without fish *clapping*. As for me I have been trying to do as little as possible for as long as possible. I'm not doing too poorly either. But today I said to myself- not actually out loud although I just caught Scott talking to himself teehee. . .very funny. . .anyway as I was saying.. . "I need to go swimming" I haven't been in a while. Well I went today. I'm pathetic which of course just reinstates the whole pathetic part of the Sad and the Pathetic theme don't you think. So I had been doing about a mile(53 laps) or 40 laps at least everytime I swam. For those of you that have no clue a lap is up and back. So the point of all this is that after ten I was done-that’s it! ten. What a wus I’m turning into! hmmm. . . Whew! *catching breath just thinking back* okay. . .I asked Jean to do some sit ups for me but she wasn't too keen on the idea so I had to do them myself. hmm. . . I'd do them for her! So I’m cooking dinner tonight! Beware all! tee hee. . . hey! I’m not that bad. . actually Scott asked me if he could take me up to college with him, so I can cook and clean for him(I don’t even want to hear it from you, yeah you you know who you are)- I said hell no! and something that is completely amazing is that I’m not eating anything at the moment. Uh Oh! What am I going to do? How am I going to end the letter without my usual I am done with blah blah so I must leave you. . . hmmm.. . . okay so this issue is not worthy- but I suppose since I’ve written it I’ll send it out. I need inspiration here peoples! Work with me here. And as I must quote my beloved Austin Powers, “Why must I be surrounded by freakin’ idiots?” by the way I saw the second Austin Powers. Too awesome!! I’m in therapy at the moment from Fat Bastard. *shivering from his grossness* Man, AP is so cool. Adia? Can I be like Austin Powers when i grow up? Pleeeeeaaassseeeeee. . . *puppy dog eyes* okay fine! *pouting*

Kendra can I be like Austin Powers when i grow up? Pleaaassseee. . .Yeah! See Kendra loves me more!

okay until the nest time I eat something.*wink* I promise not to write anymore on an empty stomach.

have a great day y’all

(yeah I said y’all you got a problem with that? you want to take this outside?)

