The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 7

The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 7

Hello fellow beings,

Come Stai? Come va? Sto bene? Spero.
So how is everyone? Good? I hope.

Today I'd like to thank Carrie for her postcard! Thanks babe. Appreciate it. I'd also like to wish Emma a happy birthday. I was going to get you a male stripper, but I decided he needed some practice so hopefully I'll be working on him with that. *wink, wink* by the way for all of you who don't know. . .emma's e-mail address would be . . .

I'd also like to take this portion to thank those of you who have replied with love and care to some of my issues. . . here are some below. . . and then there are just some random ones. (hee hee) All writers' names have been witheld to protect their privacy

Mary, I can think of no greater bliss than receiving you in the mail. :)

you ROCK!!! I love you now...just cuz this was sooo much fun to read, I think I will be happy for the rest of the day!

Guess what Mare??? this makes almost no you work at being inarticulate or does it just come naturally??? Okay, I'm sorry...I realize this might seem a bit harsh, but maybe I'm just not having sooo good a day...anyway, I still like you, even though you're a class A dork.

Mary you DORK. There is much justification in your choice of a name for your e-mail address. You are the most mindless useless hunk of human flesh ever to inhabit Manchester NH.. . . .That was all sarcasm, by the way.
Love you!

Your a funny girl :) I also liked your naked dream!!
Yes i was picturing you naked!!

you are a freak....the freak of the week. call me

hee hee. . . can't you just feel the love people? It makes me all gooey inside when I read the responses. . . *wiping tear away*. . . . now if you're hurt that you weren't included don't look at me. Not my fault. You must respond if you wish to be included in the wholesome funny goodness that is me(I took that from Chris eventhough he doesn't know it. . . )

So I just finished a tuna salad sandwich. . yum. . .I like tuna with just a touch of mayo. Just enough to keep it from falling apart and some tomato slices. . .Mmmm. . . tomato. . . .Do you like cheese on your tuna or chicken salad sandwiches? I never understood that. Whenever I get tuna of chicken out they always ask if I want cheese! Yuck! No! I don't want cheese that's just wrong.(so who have I offended here? anyone?). . . .well actually I went to the store on my way home from the office where I wasn't needed and I went in a bought a can of tuna. One can. That's right ladies and gents. $1.89. I picked up the can and said look thanks but I don't need a bag. . .he looked kind of confused. . . there is something about grocers and wanting to place small objects that don't need bags into bags. . . .allora. . .anyway. . . I returned from the store and was walking to the side door and as I'm opening it I hear something and so I turn and there is this guy behind the fence who is working on the house next to ours. . he's just staring at me. . . yikes. . . I just wanted to crouch down and cover my legs. . . but I didn't just went inside. So who cares. . .
Last night I went over to a friends house and we watched Pretty Woman, which I hadn't seen in a long time(get ready for this Saraa- you should add this to the quotes) So we're all lyign around and so cute part comes on and I say, "Ohhhh. . . I want to be a hooker and meet Richard Gere!" hahahahahahaha. . . . how sad is that? hahahaha. . . .okay okay so I don't want to be a hooker. . .I'd suck at it. . . hahahahaha. . . okay so that was a really bad joke. . hold on I'm going to laugh some more. . hahahahaha. . . . Whew! damn that was funny. . hee hee. .

so here is something weird. . I'm on the phone with Bekks and I ask her what she's doing tonight and she says nothing. . .and she asks me what I'm doing tonight and I say nothing. . and at the exact same time we both say you want to do nothing together? hee hee. . .I think our brain waves are in sink. . NSYNC? syncronized? I don't know. . . whatever. . . they call me maniac manic. . . . did you eat paint chips as a kid? Why does everyone ask me that? hee.. .hee. . .Luke I am your father. . .lulalalalala. . .lot's of people go to school for 7 years, they're called doctors. Okay who can name that movie? go ahead take a guess. . . I dare ya.

alright enough with this silliness. I'm going to create havoc elsewhere. . .my job here is done. . . .

Have a great day!
*wiping tear away* Until I type again. . . .
Oh stop that!
No you stop. . . .
seeing you cry makes me cry
You started it!
Did not!
ci vediamo
