The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 8

The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 8

hey Adia, Carrie, Carrie, Chad, Charles, Emma, Jas, Jamie, Jerry, Jesse, Jesselin, Josh, Kara, Kelly,
 Kendra, Lori, Matt, Nick, Randy, Roger, Saraa, Sara, Scott, Scott

How is everyone doing? Anyone seen any good movies recently? Anyone breathing? Blood pumping? As
 far as I know you’ve all called it quits. Perhaps it’s a large conspiracy. . . did you get together and
 decide not to e-mail me? huh? Well I know Kendra has it in for me. . . she wrote me a touching note
 saying that I better not bother to come back to Smith because she was going to murder me. I
 believe that was in response to the internet camera. hee hee. . . . How can you not love that? It was
 awesome. I think when I got my portrait I laughed for a good fifteen minutes straight. and a few
 giggles for another ten minutes after that. Still think it’s funny. . . hee hee. . .

So while you’re all ignoring me. . . I might as well blabber on about my usual nothing.  I have an eye
 appointment at 2:15 today. Pretty fun if you ask me.  They always have some music video playing such
 as Sade or John Tesh. . . .John is soooo fine don’t you think? ummmmm. . . . gross. . . .*wink*. . . .I
 need to call my dentist too. . . damn. . . you know what!! Last time I went to the doctor’s. They took
 blood as usual but I didn’t get a glow in the dark band-aid. What is that about? I mean come on now.
 I’m paying a huge fee for you to waste my time. . . make me bleed. . . tell me what I already knew. .
 that I’m healthy. . . and I can’t even get a freakin’ cool band-aid. Alright so it’s not a kids doctor
 but so! Wouldn’t you appreciate something silly like that? Oh course you would. . . well you should. . .
 if you don’t then you obviously need my help. . . tsk, tsk, tsk *shaking head*. . . . 

My brother turns 18 tomorrow. 18!!! Oh my god! This means that he will be able to vote. How freaking
 scary is that? Yikes! Yesterday my dad and I were going to buy him some stuff for his b-day, my dad
 says to me. . . You’re going to be gone in 3 weeks! Oh no! What am I going to do? . . . . awww. . . it’s
 that so cute. . . .*wink* He’s a cutie folks. . and then there’s my poor mom. When I leave she’s here
 with the three boys. . dad, gramps, and Scott. yikes! Enough to drive anyone insane. . believe me I
 know. . .The first thing I hear when my dad gets home is what’s for dinner? I don’t know? Do I look
 like mom to you? I don’t think so. . . . .I said I was going to make some soup for dinner a couple of
 weeks ago. . .my dad said yum I’ll have some of that what kind? I said Vegetable Beef. He said canned
 soup? I thought you were going to make some soup like Mom. . hahahahaha. . . .oh please. . . give me a
 break. . . .whatever

So we’re getting a truck load of furniture in our already packed house. ..  .my mom is trying to figure
 out where everything goes and my dad says, Jane! Jane! I do not want anymore god damn furniture in
 this house. . .it’s packed to the roof. . . .So then my mom suggests that we add on two more bedrooms.
 . .I said Yeah! How about an exercise room too. . my mom says sure. . . hee hee. . . that shuts my dad
 up pretty fast. . hahahahahaha. . . . .hahahaha. . . .got to love that. . . .so maybe it’s funnier if you
 know my parents. . they almost never fight, in fact I can’t remember when they’ve ever had a serious
 fight. . although I’ve heard that they had one before I was got around to being here in all my
 cuteness. . . *wink, wink*. . how can you be around me and fight? Plus I’m evil when I fight. . .not a
 good thing. . . .that’s why there’s always hug-o-war . . . .that way I don’t hurt people’s feelings. . . I
 just crush them like a bug. . . . grrrr. . . *wink*

Although I have to say that I’ve never lost a fight to Scott yet. . .physically or with words. . . .which
 would be why I haven’t physically fought him in years . . .. . why you ask? Perhaps the whole foot over
 me, or the fact that he can pick me up would suggest that I don’t have a chance . . . .but there’s
 always the battle of the wits. I just love that. . . .haven’t done it in a while but we used to stand in
 our door ways before we go to bed and argue. *wink* see who could insult the other person the most
 the longest without repeating yourself. .. . .hahahaha. . . . he never had a chance. . . .I would always
 be. . you bitch. . .you bitch, you bitch hahahahaha . . .he would completely lose all train of thought. . . .
 hahahaha. .. . . then you have the whole. . . repeating quotes. . . from movies, t.v. shows, famous people,
 etc. . . 

So we’re an odd bunch. . . .but I suppose we’re close. . . . .although I’m kind of suprised that Scott and
 my parents haven’t killed each other yet. . . I’m just waiting for the day. . . 

So I need to make some calls. . and you’re thinking. . . yeah! Maybe she’ll call me. . . ah ha! but the
 question is. . .do I have your phone number? probably not. . .so you lose out. . .

allora. . . . 

Have a great day.
smile for me just once. . . you don’t have to now. . . 
*big hugs*
ci vediamo
