The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 11

The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 11

Howdy. . . 

I leave in three days. Isn’t that unbelievable? Wow! I just can’t believe it. Plus now I have 
to pack. Damn. That stinks. Anyone offering a hand? Jesse? Jamie? Come on. . I know you 
want to. You can show me how to do it properly since you’ve done it recently. Isn’t that the 
way to get a guy to do something for you? Do it wrong then show them and they will 
immediately say no no no here let me show you. Then you can look up at them with an expression 
of my hero when you’re really thinking “Sucker” 
hmmm. . . .okay you’re right. . . not only would I be thinking sucker I’d say it out loud probably, 
but how could you refuse me anything? :-) <--I mean look at this face. 
So I framed and hung some pieces in my room finally. I have a painting, a lino print, two 
collages, and two photos my dad took of Provence, France. It looks great. I have to say that 
I’m the master of framing, matting, accitating, and hanging pictures. I can do whatever is 
needed. Anyone want me to help them? I think my knowledge comes from my entire senior year 
of helping everyone hang their art show after I had mine. People people people. . you do not 
matt your pieces the night before your show. That’s just insane. Do any of you have any clue 
what i’m talking about other than Bekks? Probably not.  Story of my life.

I saw Sixth Sense tonight. Awesome. It was just great. Really, I was there. I saw it. It was 
good. Do the dew. Were you there Mary? I was there. Did you like it? yeah I liked it. Did you 
see it? yeah I saw it; it was good. So go see it. There were a couple of times where I almost 
jumped out of my seat.  
Do you remember when you were little and you used to be afraid of something under your bed? 
It didn’t happen that often to me, but when i did think something was under my bed I always 
thought is was this really big man. Maybe dirty or some kind of mercenary in fatigues. and I 
when i was going to get on my bed and jump. Run across the room and leap onto my bed. Some 
people looked under their beds. . .hell no not me. If I don’t bother them they won’t bother me 
was always my reasoning.

How many of you have been to the movies with your grandparents. Maybe a gramps that doesn’t 
quite have great hearing. So as you’re sitting there suddenly gramps turns to you while the movie 
is starting an says loudly, “What movie are we seeing?” and you have to answer cause then they 
just ask louder. So you answer and then you get, “Who’s in the movie?” followed by, “What’s this 
movie about?” As if you haven’t gone over it already. hahaha. . . can I just say how much I love 
grandparents. I mean seriously. They’re great. I can’t wait. Actually I can’t wait till my brother 
has kids. hee hee. . .I’m going to spoil them rotten. My bro is going to hate me. *evil grin* Don’t 
you just love family. Half the time you want to strangle them and adopt another last name. How 
many times have I woken up to either Metallica or Ministry, at 7:30 a.m., blaring. Too many times 
to count. I used to get up and turn my brother’s radio down and yell at him. But it takes to much 
energy. I’m lazy. and I’ve also learned to choose my fights wisely. I don’t know about the rest of 
you but when my opponent can pick me up and carry me around or ask me nicely to move slightly to 
the left, when I’m sitting on them trying to crush them, so that they can see the t.v.. . I’ve given 
up trying to win any physical battle. Because otherwise I’d have start lifting some serious weights 
and gain about 40 or 50 pounds. I don’t think that’s going to be happening any time soon. I think 
I’ll just hire someone from UMASS to take care of my dirty work. Maybe I should put an add in one
 of the newspaper. . . woman(weight:sack of grapes-thanks for that Scott) seeks muscle bound hunk
(weight:sack of potatos) to take care of some “issues”- I mean I will be at Smith and I’m still working 
on getting some issues. What do you think? Why do when i reread that my mind starts heading towards 
the gutter? Probably because I’m a sick twisted little monkey.

Hope all of y’all are well.
Have a great day

ci vediamo
