The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 12

The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 12

	Well I’m back from a “vacation”. I need a vacation from my vacation. Does this happen 
to anybody else? I’m so pathetic that I couldn’t even type the word anybody. It came out as 
“nayboy”. Nice. Thanks. I know. I’m tired, I’m sore from helping the freshmeat in. . .I mean 
first years. I have bruises up and down my body. I just feel over someone’s boxes and because 
i was carrying some bags my left knee caught all my weight. Ow! I’m going to have a serious
 bruise to go with the rest. My knees still haven’t forgiven me from basketball. Neither have 
my feet, but that’s a whole other story that I don’t need to get into. 
	So how is everybody? Ihad a great time in Boston with Adia. We kicked some serious arse. 
And there’s someone who needs an especially good arse kicking. . *cough*Q-tip!*cough* someone 
didn’t call me. hmmm. . . nice going. Even Adia thinks you need a good beating. But I’m not bitter. 
NO not me you b*****d! *wink* alright now I’m kidding. Well not about the beating. 
	It’s also Jesse’s Birthday on the 6th. Happy Birthday old man. You are now officially old 
enough to do nothing that you couldn’t do before. Congradulations on adding a candle to what will 
eventually become a bonfire. A very large bonfire. Then we could all dress up as American Indians 
and dance. Fun! but I probably won’t be invited because someone isn’t able to use the telephone! 
I’m not saying who. No I’m not bitter. Really. 
	So how many of y’all desperately missed me? What do you mean, “You were gone?”? fine then 
*sniff, sniff* At least two people said they missed me and actually noticed I was gone. You two 
get big hugs. *big hugs* and of course Jesslin gets a big hug because she just does. *big hug*
	So I’ve renamed two of my fellow HONS(Head of New Students). Kendra who is now Kendritta. 
and Emma who is Emmer. Every time I think of Emmer I think of Elmer Fudd. There’s this great 
cartoon with Elmer Fudd and Buggs Bunny. Where Elmer is chasing Buggs and there is a scene where 
they are in a hair salon and they are going really really high is those chairs and then Buggs is putting 
all this stuff on Elmer’s scalp and masaging it. I just love it. hold on while I picture Buggs masaging 
Elmer’s head. Mmmmmm. .  it’s just so neat. *smile*
	So I went and bought some running shoes today. This guy at the store asked me if I ran. No. 
I just buy shoes particular for running because I like to bike in them. He also asked if (there were 
three of us) we went to high school. hmmm. . . Do I look like I’m in high school? Shut up Josh! No I 
don’t. I felt really really tall going to the mall with Saraa and Carrie. I t was awesome. I’m. . . what
. . . .5 or 6 inches taller than both of them. It was awesome. It was such a difference. Now I know 
how Scott feels. It’s awesome. *wink*
	I also bought some hooks to put up in my room. I’m so excited. I can’t decide where to put them. 
I put two on the back of my door for coats. and now I have four smaller ones. One is already up for 
my keys, but I haven’t decided what I want to hang. hmmm. .. I also got some stickers. I love stickers, 
eventhough I don’t buy them often. 1,408 everyday mini-stickers! could they be more meaningless? I 
think not and that is what makes them so special. *wink*
	Have a great day everyone. I hope that your dreams are lovely and better than mine. 

ci vediamo
