The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 13

The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 13

Alright alright. 
	I reread my last issue. I frightened myself with that one. What was I talking about? 
I ususally don’t reread my issues and this last one has proved that I don’t. Maybe I should 
take it to someone and have them read it over.  I think I need a nap. I also need to make 
it clear that I wasn’t serious about being bitter. I’m not at all. I was just playing around, 
but when I read over my writing I realized that it sounded way more serious than I intended 
it to be. I’m sorry about that. Please pardon me. Perhaps I should repent. Hail Marys? isn’t 
that a Catholic thing? Hail Mary full of Grace. . something something something. 
	I passed out the class of 2003 t-shirts this morning. That was fun except I realized 
that I made some mistakes when I designed it. I forgot to put Smith College on the shirt. 
Pretty major mistake huh? yeah. 
	Adia is lying on my bed talking to me about something? Do you know what she’s talking 
about? You know when she reads this later she’s going to slap me upside the head. hee hee. . . 
oh she’s talking about hooks. I wonder if she’s going to try and steal some of my hooks. She 
suggests that I say how much I miss my parents and bro and that we have crying first years. 
She says she wants a support group for being a HONS. She needs some counciling. I could 
have told her that before. She left me. *frowning* Actually I don’t know how to frown so. . . 
*not smiling*
	I could be an actress. The female version of Richard Gere. We all know he only has two 
facial expressions. Smiling and not smiling. I can handle that. Now I really need a nap. 
Buon pomeriggio.

ci vediamo
