The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 14

The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 14

Well it certainly has been an interesting week. 

I started classes on Tuesday. I love all my classes. I’m going to declare my major in 
Studio Art and my advisor is the coolest guy ever, I mean come on who wouldn’t want 
to be my advisor? I’m talented, good looking, funny, intelligent and I’m super fly. 
*wink, wink* okay so I’m exaggerating. .. but he’s just the bomb as Adia would say. 
Sculpture is going to be awesome. I hope I’m good at it. I really want to get into bronze. 
but I have to learn how to sculpt clay first. . . .
	So I just came back from seeing my pre-major advisor. . . .she’s pretty cool too. . .
She told me to come back and visit. I told her I’d come back especially since her office 
so awesome. She said sure just use me for my office. *wink* Hey take what you can get. *wink* 
	Then I stopped by the wood shop to talk to my man. That would be Jim, who I have named 
“The Wood Man”. He is the craziest little guy. He’s got this really funny accent that’s 
from around here. It’s the one that adds an R onto everything. He owns two llama. . .or as
 he pronounces it llamer. It’s so cute. Some people drive me up the wall with their accents 
but he just cracks me up. You would not believe what he did this summer! He drove to this dinky 
little nothing place called Inuvik up at the Arctic Circle. Two months! Does anybody think that 
that is crazy. I told him that I couldn’t believe that he talked his wife into going. He said he 
couldn’t believe it either. Inuvik! nuts. . . you’d have to see the map to realize how nuts he is. 
Look it up on a map on the internet. It’s in Canada somewhere. Three thousand people. I bet it’s 
kind of cool actually. 
	but anyway. . . So I’ve set up all my classes and I have no classes Fridays. Woo Hoo! How 
did I manage that? Yeehaw *wink* and because I have no classes on Fridays I’m going to go to 
the Museum of Fine Arts next Friday in Boston. Yeah. I'm going to see the John Singer Sargent 
Exhibit. *smile* Neat. For those of you who have never heard of him you should check it out on 
the MFA’s web site. He is really known for his portraits mainly. “Madame X” is one I’m sure you 
would recognize if you saw it. Even if you haven’t heard of Sargent. Speaking of not knowing. . . 
Jim doesn’t know what a corny dog is! I thought he was kidding when he asked what they were 
when i asked him if he had foot long corny dogs at the fair. I’m still in shock here. People people 
people. . . does anybody here not know what a corny dog is? I thought all state fairs had them. I 
realize that foot long is a Texas thing. . . you know “everything is bigger in Texas”. If you don’t 
know what one is please ask and I’ll tell you.
	Alright time for me to do something unproductive. I have to go plan the rest of my life so 
I can go abroad my junior year. Until the next time. By the way only two people told me that I 
had better not stop the Sad and Pathetic Issues. Adia threatened to end my life if I even thought 
about it. Saraa jumped me last night but that’s for something else. . .and Sara told me a G rated 
version of Adia’s. For those of you who were exited to think that you would no longer get this 
incredibly long unuseful letter of random facts . . . bite me. These could actually be a lot longer 
and filled with many other random yet sometimes funny antidotes but I hold myself back . . yes 
I know sometimes it’s not enough. For the rest of you have a great day. 

ci vediamo
