The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 15

The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 15

In the arms of the angels may you find some comfort here. . . . Storm keeps on twisting. .  . 

So here I am. Squish squish. . . my shoes are soaked completely. The once navy color has been 
reduced to a sodden mess that uncomfortably forces my feet to tread in lakes as I make my 
way from building to building. The pants once formerly known as dry have become a nice sticky 
substance that clings to my from my knee down to the forming oceans in which my toes swim. 
. . and so this is how my day has been. One large puddle after another.  I think I’m getting 
too poetic here. Sorry folks. 
	So Adia and I are looking for cruises to go on for our spring break. So I fill out some thing 
on the internet to get a free estimate blah blah blah. But they ask for all this information like 
what is your address. .  etc etc. I don’t feel the need to inform them about my life when all
I’m looking for is a price and a ship. So I write things like. . . 
Address: Why do you need to know this? 
Name of other passengers: I don’t feel comfortable giving information about other people
Name of 2nd passenger:because I don’t know what you doing with this information
etc etc
at the end I just said I’m a poor college student looking for a cheap but decent cruise.
blah blah blah blah
who knows what else I said.
	So I get this call from Bob, who apparently found my application extremely amusing. So it took 
me over a week to finally call in and find out what was going on. He told me that everyone was 
looking at form and found it very funny. Poor people. They obviously don’t have a very interesting life. 
They don’t receive the issues of Sad and Pathetic like you lucky people. Thank your lucky stars. 
	So my new thing is “run by huggings.” You ask what is this? It is where you quickly hug someone 
and then take off. Emma has been one of my victims several times.  Speaking of hugging. . .Jess has 
recently cut her hair. NO I’m not talking about a simple trim job on her long locks. I’m talking about 
a serious shave. The longest setting on a razor which I now happen to know just how long it looks. I 
just love the feel of a shaved fuzzy head. I constantly harass my friends who shave their heads with 
my hands running back and forth. Yeah! It’s all about fuzziness. So anyway back to Jess. I showed 
her a picture taken of me in Boston about three weeks ago before I went out that night with some 
friends. She said, “Who is this nymphette? This gorgeous creature. . where might I find her?” Isn’t 
she cute folks. I had no clue what she was talking about. I almost said, “that’s of me silly” and then 
I realized that she knew it was me. I’m obviously out of it as you can see. 
	and Guess what??? I said guess. . . no not lizards. . . no not you Jamie. *wink* Adia and I organized 
this whole trip to Boston tomorrow. Tomorrow being Friday. Just so I could see the John Singer 
Sargent exhibit. *pouting* So we finally got the van and everything but all the tickets are sold out! 
I’m so bummed. So I’m going to Boston anyway I just don’t know what I’m going to do once I get there. 
*frown*Any suggestions? I’m open.
	Well everyone say hello to Jesse and Tony. Velcome to the vonderful vorld of me. *wink* Actually
speaking of me. . . I have a web site. I need to do some more changes, but please go visit  it and sign my 
guest book.


It’s a very lonely guest book.
alright. .  it’s time for me to go out into the vorld of the non informed. Poor souls. 

Have a lovely day everyone. 

ci vediamo
