The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 16

The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 16

“have I told you that I love you . . lately. . . have I told you that you still mean the world to me. . lately. . .”

I’ll give you two guesses what the title of this song is. .. .   

So how is everybody this lovely afternoon? In need of a nap as I am? Probably. So why am I writing this 
issue instead of sleeping or even better homework? Oh please. .. I have three days in which to do my homework. 
Actually make that four. Of course a good section of my time will be spent at Hillyer. . .my home away from 
home. Hillyer would be the art building. So I’ll most likely be there for a good 8 to twelve hours depending on 
what I am doing. Can’t wait! How can you not love to work? I go crazy when I have a lot of time off. Like over 
the summer. . . . just call me insane. I need a project. Hence the painting of my room. Anybody need me to 
arrange your apartment? Frame and hang pictures? I’ve got an October break with four days in which to sleep 
a lot and do nothing. *wink* 
	So I’m walking back from the Alumni House where I went with my fellow HONS and some first years to 
get some “free ice cream and mugs” and what does my loving “friend” and suite mate do to me? She dumps her 
ice down the back of my shirt. Thanks. I was actually getting hot.  but at least I got a mug out of it. Does 
anyone other than me have a problem with the fact that they haven’t turned on the heat in Cutter yet? I mean 
I know I’m from Dallas. . . but come on. . .it’s freakin freezing in my room at night. Call me a freak if you wish 
just turn on the heat. 
	“it’s the last dance. . we’ve come to the last dance. . .” I can’t hear the rest because Adia is reading 
something to me but I’m obviously not listening to her. Shh. . don’t tell her. something with the word parietals 
in it. I don’t know. “I’m just a girl standing in front of a boy asking him to love her. “ actually I’m not. I’m 
neither a girl. . .I don’t know any boys. . .and I just figure that if someone is going to love me it’s because of 
who I am not because i ask them to love me. but I won’t get into my whole philosophy of life. Poor Jamie was 
subjected to that the other night. . and Adia gave me a “gosh that was prolific”. Thanks babe. I’m flattered. . . . 
except that in the dictionary it says I’m “fertile”. . hahahaha. . . .but it also says that it means “turning out many 
products of the mind”. *wink* I’m sure that’s what she means since she knows about my thing with having lots of kids. . .
	So today in statistical thinking we took a poll in our class to see how many states everyone had been to. The 
lowest was 8 and the highest was 41. 41!! can you believe that! *whistle* Although I plan to visit every state one 
day I’ve only hit half. I think the average was about 15 or I don’t know. Make that 19. Although I haven’t fully 
explored these states. . which I figure I’ll do at some point. I’ve got some time on my hands. . . like the rest of 
my life. Which should be long unless Kendra prematurely ends it like she keeps threatening. . . and I better watch 
out for Adia too. Do you know what she said to me the other day!! She was sitting on my bed and I make some crack 
about something and her response was, “I could stab you in the eye with this barrette” I said “that’s nice. You are 
so sick! I mean I could stab you with this pen but I don’t say it do I? There are things we just don’t do.” I mean 
what kid of morals is she going to send out to those kids when she becomes a teacher. Can I just say if I have kids 
I’m finding a different school to send them to. Is anybody else frightened? or do i just bring out this violence in 
people? remind me not to become a politician. I’d probably be killed within seconds of saying anything. I’ll just 
stick to my art. Where I’m safe.
	Okay enough of this letter. . . oh by the way! Congratulations Bekks on an awesome math test! Hip hip hooray. . 
two cheers for pooh. For who? For Pooh. Why what did he do? Why he saved something from a wetting. A what?
A wetting. . . my mom actually knows this whole thing. Pretty cool huh? Yeah my mom rocks. *wink*  She sends
 me salsa and chips too sometimes. speaking of sending things! Tony told me he was going to send me 10 gallons of 
Butter Pecan. . . . alright someone isn’t getting my mailing address. *wink* I mean what am I supposed to do with 
that much ice cream. Share? with what? the whole campus of UMASS? wait just a cotten pickin moment here. 
ice cream. . . guys. . . ice cream  .  guys. . hello . . . 
	speaking of guys. . . who here has seen the new Abercrombie and Fitch commercial? I have I have. . . .I want 
I want. Those guys are soo fine. and Christmas is sooo far away. . and my birthday is even farther. . . *pouting*  
yeah see now you know what I want for Christmas. . .. . no I got my two front teeth last year. try again. 
	Have a great day y’all.

ci vediamo
