The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 19

The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 19

Well Howdy there folks,

I was talking to someone. ..  yeah I know. . shocker. . .anyway. .. and saying how I 
never get responses to my S&P other than from Adia. . my number one fan along 
with Sara who apparently have kept them all. I’m touched truly. So Tony suggested 
that I add. . “We appreciate your feedback”. . . as in use an US statement to 
make it seem like I’m part of a larger deal here. That isn’t just me sitting here 
cranking out these silly issues all by my lonely self. . . . So of course I revised 
his suggestion to fit my needs.. .here it is
 We would appreciate your feedback. . .otherwise Tony will send his brother, the 
Marine, after you. 

“Any man of mine be proud of me, even when I’m ugly still better love me. . and I 
can be late for a date but he better be on time. Any man of mine say it fits just 
fine when lasts years dress if just a little too tight and anything I do or say 
better be okay when I have a bad hair day.
And if I change my mind a million times. . I want to hear him say ‘yeah yeah yeah 
I like it that way’. . Any man of mine better walk the line, better show me a 
teasing squeezing pleasing  kind of time. . and any man who knows how the story 
goes he’s got to be a heart beating fire eating breath taking earthing quaking 
kind. Any man of mine”
Any man of mine better disagree when I say another woman’s looking better 
than me . . and when I cook him dinner and I burn it black he better say Yum I 
like it like that. . .”

Shania and I don’t ask for much. Just . . . well you know *wink*

So what’s been going on with me? Ask Josh. I only sent him this huge e-mail 
complaining the whole time. You asked for a real e-mail! You’re welcome. *wink* 

So my parents are coming tomorrow. Pretty exciting eh? Actually my mom sent 
me a postcard. Yeah! My one real piece of mail for the month. Stop the truck. 
*wink*  I like the way she started in. . on the front is a picture of some Roman 
Ruins that apparently she and my dad were at somewhere in France. . which would 
be where they are. . so the first sentence is . .”Ho hum another Roman ruin. ..” 
hahahaha. . . way to be a snob mom! She was just playing. I suppose I could add 
the rest of it where she exonerates herself but that’s okay. What do I care 
what you think about my parents? After all most of you don’t know them. Hell 
some of you don’t even know who I am. *wink* Who am I? Good question. I
 guess I’ll ponder that another time when I can come up with something 
completely useless to say.

check out this web site. It’s really cute. it will only take about five seconds. 
I think it’s a very Mary site.

At lunch today Saraa asks me. . “did you have a model in sculpture today?” 
I said “yeah why?” 
“well I brought a tour by and peaked in . . . I was like uhhh. . these are the 
studios. . “
way to go Saraa. . .I still think you should give my tour. . how did it go? 
We’re walking. . we’re walking. . we’re looking. . this is the uhh. ..this is the brick 
building with the windows. . it’s made of stone. And it looks really old. I think 
it’s a science building or something .  . obviously not that important. *wink* What
 do you think? should I become a Gold Key and give tours to people? 
Speaking of science buildings I was in one of them. . yeah I know. . shut up. . and 
Anna saw me there. . .”Hey Mare” . . . “Hey Anna what’s up?”. .. . “What are you 
doing in (you know I just forgot the buildings name. . I even had a class there 
last year. . I really am losing my touch. . ). .here. . are you lost? Did you get 
lost on your way to the art history building?”
Something like that Anna
friends. . . can’t you feel the love? I can feel something. . I think it’s frost bite.

I saw Big Daddy last night. funny. ...It’s gross but funny. . . .I thought it was 
great when Adam Sandler put the newspaper on the bed after Julian peed his bed.
 . . . I laughed so hard. Actually honestly I laughed all the way through that movie.
 what is it with me being the only one laughing in a theatre? I mean do I just 
find different things humorous? Am I really so different? Speaking of different. 
. . Adia got this e-mail from only god knows who saying that someone liked her. ..
and you can put peoples e-mail addresses in to find out who sent it to you. What 
it doesn’t tell you is that when you press update it sends out the same “Someone 
likes you” e-mail to whoever you put it. So Adia is panicking because she put in 
everyone that she can think of and now they have this e-mail saying someone likes 
her. I think I laughed straight for about a half hour. She was so mad. . . . She still 
doesn’t know who sent it to her. So I had her send it to all these people for me. . . 
I sent it to everyone. . .girls, guys. . .cracks me up. I know. I’m simple. But apparently 
it’s so obvious that I would send it to people that people would write me. . . hey did 
you send me this.  .. hmmm. . . .of course I think the best thing was when Jesse asked me. . . 
hey did you send this e-mail to me?  
what e-mail?
this one that says someone wants to jump your bones. . .(we know what is on someone’s
 mind don’t we)
I was hoping it was from Cindy Crawford. . 

Oh well . . . *wink* Sorry Jesse. . .no Cindy Crawford over here. . . 

and Roger. . . try  . . ..   . . yes. . . .  

and for the rest of you you can try her e-mail address too. And yes Josh the reason 
you didn’t get it is because you changed your address. I know it wasn’t your fault, 
but I’m lazy and didn’t want to find it again to send it out. But if you really want 
it I’ll send it to you. 
Whew. . . I am tired. .  will someone do my statistics for me? I did my homework I 
just haven’t done all the quiz. I don’t want to trek through the rain to go do that 
stupid minitab program. 

oh so the whole. .  speaking of different. . yes I know shockingly enough in my head 
there is a relationship to the two passages . . .so I asked Adia
 “Am I really so different? I mean no different different but am I just really me? “ 
She says, “yeah you’re different. Not in a bad way” 

So I just do things that scream Mary apparently. . . . *sigh* whoa is me. . . 
but then again who would send a friend a birthday day card of a Mr. Potato head 
other than me? probably not many. . .it’s all about random acts people. seriously. .. 
I mean it’s nice to get a card on your birthday, but that’s the expected thing isn’t it?
 hmmmm. ..  . I know someone who threw a surprise birthday party . .  it was something 
like a 7/8th birthday party. I don’t know I’ll have to ask Theresa. So they had 7/8th
 of a cake. . and 7/8th of a package of oreos. . etc etc. . yes she is nuts. My favorite
 was when she teepeed a house. No Not toilet papered a house. . . put little teepees 
all over the yard. Now that is awesome. Who would come up with an idea like that? 
Not many people that I know. 

there was a quote I wanted to put up here. . .oh here we go. . . 
“Well, normal on the web would mean creepy and stupid, so I guess I’m not that” 
( I suppose I should keep these anonymous. . after all who knows what Tony will dig 
up about them *wink*)
“Look you, you punk!”-me to Saraa
“yeah you Punk!”-Adia helping me out. . . we’re an original bunch aren’t we

“Well, Mary I don’t think that her left leg quite goes into the body like it should. . 
.it needs to be lower” -Lee during our modeling class
“Look Lee, everyone is built differently. . we can’t all be made in perfection like you.” -Me
 . . . I make no excuses for my lack of intelligence or lack of thought. Both of which I’m 
proficient in. . . no matter what that internet IQ test says *wink*

hmm. . . . proficient in a lack of proficiency. . . . .does that make sense? oh well.. . .I’m
 too tired for this nonsense. Pardon my lack of humor. 

Although I did learn a new phrase. .. “Que besa su pies” “Whom kisses your feet” 
People used to end letters that way. No I will not be ending my letters that way.
 Dream on honey. 
have a lovely day.
ci vediamo
*big  hugs*
