The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 21

The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 21

“If you think of me, if you miss me once in a while. Then I’ll return to you, I’ll return and 
fill that space in your heart.”

I know. . It’s been oh so long since you received the last Sad & Pathetic Issue, but I 
didn’t want you to be lonely in case you missed me. . . the thought running through your 
head?. . Oh dear God what now? 

Well my little Dumplings. . . 
	This last week in sculpture we had to come up with an idea for a snow 
sculpture. Yes that is right. .  .when it snows. . we will go out in the snow and make 
something. So we all presented our ideas and voted on one. Alas mine did not win, 
but who cares really? I have to say my favorite one was a large pig in a bubble bath 
with a glass of champagne and a slice of pizza. Now I don’t know about the combo of 
foods there. . . but it’s better than what I have now. Which is none of the above. I said, 
“Can we build me into this tub?” hmmm. .. another suggestion was a large slide out of 
snow that would be ice where you would slide. . .why does the word “lawsuit” come to 
mind? I don’t know. . . maybe Smith College could tell me.
	So it has come to my attention through “Arf” as he is called by his dog. . that my 
issues are some what difficult to read. hmm. . well what do you expect? This is me. This 
is about The Sad & Pathetic. . . if you could read it without difficulty then you wouldn’t 
feel any pride in having fought and battled your way through it. It’s a much more 
rewarding feeling don’t you think?. . . Okay how many of you have got this response 
from a parent about something. . .I don’t think so mom. *wink*. . . “Mom what does 
philanthropist mean?”. . . “Why don’t you look it up?”. . . “Because if you know what it 
means then it is a waste of time”. . .”It will feel more rewarding if you look it up”. . . .
whatever. . .this is when you shoot a dark look behind her back and you get a. .”Don’t 
give me a face.”. . .*how does she do that?*. . .So basically making your children look 
up words just means that they don’t know what the word means themselves. . and no 
that wasn’t an actual example. I was trying to think of a word that I don’t know the 
meaning of but then if I don’t know the meaning of a word then I don’t use it and forget 
it so. . . there you go. All I have to say it that when I have kids I will be using that same 
expression. . .
	How about. . .”Because I’m the father”. . . good try dad. . .I think I stopped letting
 you use that one effectively when I was ten. It just didn’t work anymore. I think the only
 reason he tried to use that was when he had a glass of wine in the den and Scott and I
 would complain “How come you get to have a drink in here and we don’t?”. . .
”Because I’m the father”. . . He spilled that wine probably fifty percent of the time.
 hahaha. . .cute huh? That’s my boy. Actually, I have a lot of boys. 
	So I was looking on the internet for a random card . . I often do. . . and I 
found a new subject. Break-up cards! The word “lame” is too good for this. It 
seems to me that breaking up is something you do in person. Maybe I don’t have any 
clue what I’m saying as I often don’t.. . .but this is just wrong. Say no people!
“remembering your touch, your kiss, your warm embrace. I’ll find my way back to you if 
you’ll be waiting”

	I really like this CD. I think I’m going to have to buy it. I told this to Adia who I am 
“borrowing” it from. She said. . “Oh get her first one. I have that one on tape.” Of course 
this is so that she can “borrow” it from me. hmmm. . . . . do you think I could make a CD 
for the Sad & Pathetic. . . I mean they have one for Dawson’s Creek. . .that’s a lame 
show. . I should be able to assemble one. After all I have songs in this. You may not 
know what the songs are. . . but the lyrics are here. I’ll have to think about that.
	Last night Saraa, Adia and I went and played tennis. Whew! I love tennis. 
Jesse claims that it is not a sport. Bring it on macho “man”. yeah you heard me. hmm.
 . . golf. . *already falling asleep*. .  so back to tennis. . .after running our Smith bottoms 
around the track. .. a few too many times. . . we find a huge screen out on Seeyle lawn.
 . . and what do you know? Blair Witch Project is showing. Well I got stuck out there 
watching it with Carrie and Adia. . . yes Saraa left earlier and Carrie joined . .. . since 
they hadn’t seen it. I froze practically. . . whoever says that leggings are real pants 
are lying through their teeth. At least my right ear was warm where I was lying against 
Carrie. At least this time when it was over I didn’t have Josh and Jared saying, “Mary.
 . . Rebecca. . help me. .  “  while hiding in the bushes of my backyard. Yeah, real funny 
guys. *wink*. . .and by the way Josh. . . yes I will be expecting that back rub when I get 
home. A super-duper one too. I hope your hands are ready. 
	Before the movie they had cable on the big screen. So I’m watching some show 
called I don’t know what. Since I don’t have cable at home and don’t really watch 
much t.v. here.  Whatever it was . . oh there was a big Tick. . super hero.  . . maybe that 
helps. Anyway. . on this show there was a big Mad Scientist convention and this one 
woman came up with  Can-o-Man. . . hahaha. .  there was a canister similar to a 
hairspray bottle and when you sprayed it, out came this huge bulky man who would do 
whatever. . . hmmm. .  I like. *wink* I need a couple of those. 
	Well I’m off to go “dance” with some “real” “men” now.  After all it is the weekend
. . this is what college is all about? hmmm. .. . bad parties and nastier guys? Probably 
not, but I figure a bad party won’t kill me every once in a while.  
“If you dream of me. . like I dream of you. In a place that’s warm and dark in a place 
where I can feel the beating of your heart.”

Another thing. . . I have discovered.  .  . I am a bed slut. I know. *hanging head*. .. I will 
fall asleep and lay in almost anyone’s bed if I have the chance. . . .sad? 
absolutely.(can I interject to say that at this very moment my beloved Kendra is 
accusing me of being a slacker. Okay allora. . )So I have fallen asleep on a few 
peoples beds. . . excuse me.  Surely I’m not the worst thing to find in your bed. There 
must be someone out there who wouldn’t mind me sleeping in their bed.

“I’ll find my way back to you, please say you’ll be waiting. . . together again, it would feel 
so good to be in your arms where all my journeys end. You can make a promise if it’s 
one that you can keep.  I vow to come for you if you wait for me.. . say you’ll hold a 
place for me. . in your heart.”

	Well I didn’t win anything at the raffle that was going on. . I was really hoping for 
the Smith Croquet hat. That just ruined my day, but Lisa said that I won her love. So I 
guess that’s a good trade. Although I should have already had it. She said I had it 
forever now. . thanks babe. I was worried. *wiping brow*  that pulls a lot of weight off 
my shoulders. 
	And never fear.  .  . . another issue will find it’s way to you. After all this is about 
you. Thank goodness I have funny friends otherwise my issues wouldn’t have a 
chance. Although perhaps they don’t anyway. But this issue must end so that another 
one can begin.

Have a ghouly Halloween everyone
and a lovely day.
ci vediamo
