The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 26

The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 26

I don't know. 26th? oh well. . 
Well well well . . . 

    I've been home two days. Whew! At least I've been sleeping well as I hope all of you are. On the
 plane down, I was in the very last row. Woohoo! How come I keep being stuck in the very back? Huh?
 What did I do? It's not as if I've crashed a plane or something, yet. .  Well there was a very fine 
looking guy in the row ahead of me and just my luck I was stuck next to two ninth grade girls and
 while I was trying to nap they'd play around for example . . . I offered them my chips and cookie.
 Then I closed my eyes. . Opened them and I had no chips. Close my eyes, open. . I have two bags of 
chips. . Close, open . . . three bags of chips. . Finally nothing. About an hour left of the flight I got up
 and stretched a bit. . Nature called. . In addition, when I got back I had a little note with Hanukah
 and Christmas signs on it with a little note on the back that said happy holidays from your neighbor,
 Katie. Very nice. So I asked if I could borrow their pencils and I popped out my sketch book which
 has sadly been neglected since my senior year in high school, unfortunately this produced some
 squeals and, "Oh can I see that!" . . . well I ended up drawing both their names and just doing some
 simple shading. Then they wanted to see more stuff so I popped out my high school portfolio which
 ironically I had with me since I'm having to put together a new one for my interview in January.
 Then they showed it to their mother and brother (the brother being the hot one). So . . . What did
 Mary learn? Nothing, accept that they were moving to Fort Worth and were in ninth grade while the
 brother was a senior in high school! *heart pains*. .  hmmmm. . How typical of me. Personally, I wish
 that some of the guys I went to high school looked like that. But alas . . . no. Well I ended up 
 talking to the mother about schools in Dallas and Fort Worth and the guy about art. He got an 87 in
 art. I'm sure his mother is very proud. hahahahaha. .  and here is what made me feel very old. The
 girls are going through brain teasers. .  The ones were they ask random questions. . . one was what
 psalm starts, "The Lord is my shepherd I shall . . blah blah blah" I said, "23." I was right! Eight
 years of Episcopalian schooling, all so I could answer that. As if that will be of any use to me in the
 future. I certainly doubt it. Now for the real kicker. "What two countries were separated by the
 Berlin Wall?" They didn't know. I certainly hope you all know. East and West Germany. . . .I
 couldn't believe they didn't know. It was at this point that I realized that I was 6 years older than
 they were. And I'm just getting older. . . .I'm an old woman. 
    This old woman went "running" today. I don’t' run. I pant. . well that and crawl. Maybe you could
 call it jogging. Scott, my loving brother, is talking to me as I'm walking to the road from the house;
 "You are going to go faster than that right?" I start jogging. ."When are you going to start?" "Run, 
Mary, Run!" "Run!" hmmmmm. . . well He loves me. You can especially tell when he's trying to put a
 chokehold on me.  So I passed by three companies lawn mowing, two landscaping jobs, and at least
 three houses being built. I didn't even "crawl" very far. Probably two miles max. Pretty crazy if you 
ask me. but it's not my money. .  it just will be some day. Well. . It will be someone else's money. .I'll
 just call it mine because they will be supporting me in my starving artist station. 
  	  Now for something very cute. . .  as I'm leaving. . making sure I don't leave anything behind
 which I did anyway. . . I get a little cluster of people outside my door sulking because I'm leaving.
 They were so adorable. I felt special. Hugs are on the house just give me the bill. 
   	 And yesterday. . .I went shopping with Scott and Bekks and her brother, Michael. What a fun
 bunch. Yikes! I spent most of my inheritance. . I'm wondering if I'll be back at Smith when my
 credit card bill comes. . . I'm thinking I'll be anywhere but here. Allora. .. I haven't found something
 for my gramps yet. We went into Nordstrom and I looked at maybe a fun pair of suspenders. I found
 some. . Special Edition $140. . I almost gagged. Well a sales woman came to help us. . I told her that
 I was looking for something fun for my grandfather. . She said, "These suspenders are fun." I said,
 "I'm looking for something not that fun, maybe socks?" I fear that Nordstrom has absolutely
 nothing fun in that store for men. tsk tsk tsk. They have a nail clipper set! Woohoo! hmmmm. . .I
 don't think so. Maybe I'll get him a Britney Spears doll. . although I was saving up my money to get
 that for Tony since I know he really really wants that for his birthday. I can just tell these things.
 His biggest clue was, "If I open that in front of everyone, I will hunt you down and choke you."
  Can't you feel the love? It's everywhere. 
  	  I am sooooo hungry. Where is my baby bro? I know I'm forgetting a lot of funny things. .  but
 you know how it goes when you get old. sheesh. ..ahhh. . last night. . Bekks and I are laying around
 talking and she says, "I like him. ." 
    "but. . . ?" 
    "No buts, but anyway. ..I . . " 
hahahahahaha. . and another thing. . . Scott, Bekks, and I are picking up dinner to bring home. And
 they get in an argument about what a buccaneer is. Who cares? they do obviously. So The made a bet.
 Scott saying that a buccaneer and a pirate are the same thing. Bekks saying they aren't. Whoever 
lost had to be the slave to the other one for a week. hahahaha. . hmmm. . So we asked the waiter.
 "It's a pirate." I said, now you can't rely on what the waiter says. When we got home, Bekks looked
 it up while Scott was at someone else's house. Buccaneer: 1) a pirate.    hahahahaha. . Someone is
 screwed. Then Bekks proceeded to tell me that Scott would never remember this bet unless I told
 him. And she wanted to bet me that he wouldn't. I told her don't be stupid. . If I bet, someone and it
 had to do with someone being my slave I would remember. Hell yeah I'd remember. I would
 conveniently forget if I was the loser though. So she told me I couldn’t remind him. . hahaha. . I told
 her I was going to walk around with an eye patch and a big gold hoop earring until he remembered.
 Maybe I'll get a wooden leg and tape a paper parrot to my shoulder and go around saying "Arrrrr!" . .
 ..hahahaha. .. 
    Enough of this nonsense. My stomach is yelling at me. I must obey my master. 

I hope all of y'all are great. 
Have a wonderful holiday season. 
ci vediamo 
