The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 37

The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 37

My dearest humanoids,

	It is a sad 7:21 a.m. and I am awake. Why? Because I’m on crack. Not only am I on crack AND
 awake at this god forsaken hour . . . I am also doing laundry. I have lost all my marbles. People walk
 down the street and see me. . “Hey, I heard she flipped her lid.” Yep. That’s me. Crazy like a fox. *
rolling r’s* (You can do it Lisa. ..rrrrr. . . ) But at least the cold pizza isn’t so bad. Mmm. . .I like
 cold pizza. What do you mean Ew? Depending on the pizza. . cold is better. At least I don’t like
 mushrooms on my pizza. . like some people. *cough* Adia*cough*. Freak. 
	Last night Cutter(the house I live in) had an awesome party. It’s all about karaoke, my lil
 diamonds in the rough. “What a girl wants, what a girl needs. . whatever makes me happy sets you
 free. . . “ Whoa. Sorry there folks. I had a flash back. Yes, indeed I did sing Christina Aguilera’s
 What a Girl Wants. It was sad. I don’t know the words. But other than that little set back, I’m a
 budding starlet.  I had a blast even if I can’t dance. Although during an instrumental interlude of “I
 will always love youuuuuu” I did get up and do a solo dancing performance. I know that Bessie was in
 complete awe seeing as she just finished her performances in the dance concerts at Smith. I’m sorry
 my dear, but see it and weep is how it goes. You either move it or lose it. I’m willing to give you
 some dance lessons. 
	Now I have to go put my laundry in the dryer. If I’m not back in five minutes. . wait longer. 
	Alrighty then. . . Lisa asked me what I’m doing up. Gagging. . that’s what I’m doing. 8 a.m. on a
 Sunday morning. This has got to be against my religion. Sheesh. . . . I am tempted to call someone,
 but who would I call? Nessuno. . . and so I’m sitting here. 
	I think I’m going to ramble about Costa Rica a while.  I remember the sunset on the flight
 there was absolutely gorgeous over Texas. Dark blue to a thin layer of green which eventually faded
 into a brilliant orange to burnt sienna and then to blackness. I can never sleep on planes, but I don’t
 remember what I did for the rest of the flight. I just remember the sunset. Once we got off the
 plane we were herded through the empty airport and down some escalators into a large room where
 people were going through customs. (it was pretty late at night) People were moving along a red maze
 on the floor. There weren’t any kind of barriers between the different segments of line. It was a
 wrap around line where it weaves back and forth. They are so popular at places like Six Flags. I
 mentioned something about us being cattle. We asked no questions. . . . Just followed the red path. I
 wasn’t sure whether to be honored or disgusted. I felt that a little anarchy was called for. . . but
 seeing that it probably wouldn’t be a good idea. . I listened to the voice of reason(which I have now
 lost along with my marbles) and stayed on the red path. Do I hear a Moo? 
	Well after we finally found our luggage in the chaos that is the San Jose airport we went
 outside to find our ride. I felt like a rock star(and if you see above you’ll remember that I am a
 budding starlet). There was this crowd of people behind a railing and almost all of them were holding
 up signs. I said, “Look Dad, they knew I was coming!” What can I say? I’m more popular when they
 don’t understand what I’m saying and they can only focus on my intense good looks. Hahahaha. .yeah. .
 . The weather was absolutely perfect. Not hot, not cold. .  and a nice breeze. I was in heaven. When
 we got to the hotel, I was losing it by then. The hotel was almost completely open to the outside.
 The entrance hall was large with a skylight and a massive bouquet of ginger(a deep pink and red) in
 the center on a table. That first night I stood in the hall with the breeze rushing through whipping
 my shirt back as I gazed up at the stars and inhaled the scent from this ginger plant. Off to the
 right was the check-in counter. On the left was a small sitting area, past that a small glen of
 various large plants that obstructed the view (that area had no roof) which contained two parrots.
 The hotel was filled with vegetation and these beautiful ginger plants. Straight ahead was a long
 hall. . . on the right were pictures of famous people that had been there. I was entertained that the
 Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders had been there some year. Other than that I don’t remember who had
 been there. Farther down on the left there was small gift shop. Then a large open space ahead with
 tile flooring. There was a casino area on the left farther back. To the right was a bar and past that
 was the restaurant. The bar and restaurant were completely open on the opposite side to a pool.
 Most of the rooms of this hotel formed some what of a circle around this pool. I can’t even begin to
 describe how stunning it was. I sat in a reclining lawn chair by the pool and looked up at the stars
 while sipping on a pineapple daiquiri. My dad says from the chair next to me, “You’re not going to get
 drunk are you?” Hmmm. . On two daiquiris? Not quite. By the way. . . why would I need to get drunk?
 I sang “What a Girl Wants” in front of a crowd of people last night as well as my debut dancing. . .
 albeit neither was so great. . . but I was only high on life. Perhaps that’s more scary. :-)


Have a great day.
*big starlet hug*
