The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 39

The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 39

Well, I'm back in Texas.  Yee-haw? 

	I slept in Adia's bed the other night. . and this computer is underlining everything. Adia. . yee-
haw. Stop it! Hmmm. . . . Maybe the red underlining will add a little color. Freakin' pcs and their
 Microsoft word. Hmmm . . . . did you know that it will underline "hmmmm" but not "hmmm" that's
 something else isn't it. So back to sleeping. She was sleeping on one end and I on the other. Very
 uncomfortable in the long run. We were yin and yang. And I woke up with my back curved. Ugh!!! Just
 say no. Crack kills, kids. Saying goodbye was sad. Boo. . . .hoo. . . . (Don't underline "hoo"!) But Dallas
 is beautiful or actually my backyard is beautiful. I've been getting lots of attention from the
 mosquitoes. Apparently they missed me more than my brother. Although he had prom last night. My
 little boy is growing up and he's getting sooo big! He wore tails. *whistle* Very chic, I especially
 liked the bright pink socks he wore with it. (He gets that from me) So, I dropped off my bags at
 home from the airport and immediately went to someone's house. All the kids were meeting there and
 then going to the prom from there. You know how it goes. It's for the parents so that they can take
 pictures. Blah. . . so I held up one of the walls. It was a blast. Let me tell you. Woo. . . hoo *twirling
 finger* After pictures and years passed by. .  they decided to leave. My brother put on a Hawaiian
 shirt over his white one to go with his pink socks, black vest, and tails in addition to sunglasses, and
 a light blue hat, that I think is "all the rage" nowadays. I can't keep up with these hip youngsters.
 One of the particular things that I found entertaining. . . . my brother forgot his corsage. . which
 he had done two years before. ..  but this time he went back to the house and got it. And. . his date
 could take him down. Hahahaha. . . . last year she was the 21st female rower in the nation. I find
 that impressive. And if Scott messed with her, she'd whoop his ass. Actually, I don't know what he
 said, but she gave him a nice punch in the stomach while I was there. Ahhh. .  young love. (yeah, right)
 I say. . ahhh. . young money. . old money. . .*wink* Whatever. *making a V with my fingers* 
	I went searching through my house today looking for something to eat. Nada. Niente. Nothing.
 What is that about? So I had to go grocery shopping. I bought yogurt, bananas, milk, apple sauce,
 cheese, cheese(two different kinds of cheese, sheesh. . as if it's any of your business anyway), (I
 got Butter pecan ice cream last night), and sun block. As I was leaving, I thought to myself. .  way
 to get something substantial. I also rented some movies. Every time I come home there is always a
 late charge. Last time it was 13 bucks. This time. . 3 bucks. My brother and my dad owe me. 
	So my goal for the next week is to do nothing. Niente. . you get the idea. My parents have
 already told me five times today that someone is coming at 8 am Tuesday and they'd appreciate my
 help with clearing out some of the brush. On our ranch of course. Uh huh. .  Don't they know that
 it's against my religion? Obviously not. *mumbling . .  8 am. .  * 
	I need to buy a new bathing suit tomorrow. You can pretty much see my stomach through my old
 one. Which wouldn't be a bad thing if that's what was supposed to happen. But it's not. Of course
 you could see my stomach from an airplane flying overhead. "Frank, what's that white beacon down
 there?" "I don't know, John. Let's fly closer and find out." "Oh my god! It's blinding me! I can't
 see!" White doesn't even begin to cover it. Although at least I don't have any tan lines. Or freckles
 for that matter. Yet. 
Alright. . basta! Enough of this. 
Hope you are all having a lovely day. 
*big super duper hug* 
ci vediamo 
