The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 40

The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 40

The way you love me.  Is like a needle in my vein. When you're not around me. You know it just don't
 feel the same.  And I've waited a long time. Just to feel the way I do.  Just give me the reason. 
 And I will be all over you.  'Cause you're my flavor of love. You're my flavor I'm dreaming of.
 You're my flavor of love.  You're my flavor I'm dreaming of . . .. 

            Well  really, Lenny. . .. *blushing* I didn't know that was how you felt. . . . .gosh. . . . . I have
 to admit my flavor is usually Butter Pecan, but I suppose you'll do. .  . . . 

	How are my lil flavors today? Tasty, I hope. Well my dad and I drove to  Philadelphia last week
 taking my brother's school's crew boats with us for the Stotesbury Cup. We went through
 Arkansas, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania. Whew. So many cows. . not
 enough energy to moo at them all. If only Emma had been there. .. .she could have had some kind of
 family reunion. Miss Dairy Queen of Vermont. Wave to the children, honey. *elbow, elbow . . wrist,
 wrist. . touch your pearls then switch*  
                 I cannot even begin to tell you how many high schoolers were at this thing. Tons!
 Something like 1200. I could be exaggerating, but it's the largest high school crew regatta in the
 USA, I believe. And we had traveled the farthest. My father and I became immediate super stars
 when the trailer parked next to ours found out that we were from Texas. *wink* Well. .  .duh. Carrie
 let me tell  you. . . you missed out on some serious potential dating prospects.  My father and I were
 rigging up one of the boats so that when the team flew in the girls could get on  the water. . . .( that
 was interesting in itself since I had never rigged a shell before. . a sail boat? I'm all there. . .I
 have to be prepared for my future 40 footer. . .*wink* I'm impressed that we got everything on the
 right place.) I heard some kid say. . "All  I need is a t.v., nachos, and an inflatable woman." Oh baby.
 I told my dad that I was going to pick him up after the races. After all, how could I let a treasure
 like that go? He's my flavor. . . . 

The way you touch me. Somehow it takes away the pain. And now I'm a junkie. I'm running around
 without a brain. I got this jones deep inside me.  And you are what I wanna do. You give me this
 feeling. You always make me feel brand new. 'Cause you're my flavor of love. You're my flavor I'm
 dreaming of. You're my flavor of love. my flavor I'm dreaming of 

               Speaking of dreams. I had this dream that I was looking in the fridge at home and there
 was a piece of eel sushi in one container and another container of about 30 deviled eggs. Oh man. . . .
 I love deviled eggs. I could eat a trillion. *drooling* I don't even like eggs that much. Boiled,
 deviled, and egg salad is pretty much the only way I'll eat them. Everyone once in a while an omelet,
 but it has to be a really really good one. So anyway. . . Katy was there. I had a couple of the deviled
 eggs and then decided to make egg salad. There were three boiled eggs in the fridge. Katy said she'd
 make the salad for me if I gave the eggs to her. And that was pretty much the dream as far as I
 remember it. Weird, huh? Thanks for the offer though Katy. *wink* 
                 My brother, Scott, graduated from high school last night. It was weird being there. I
 saw lots of my teachers and some of the kids that I graduated with. I and two other alumni who had
 siblings in the graduating class had been asked to read scripture during the ceremony. I would have
 preferred to read some of my own poetry. Apparently they've been reading the same scripture since
 the school started. Hmmmmm. . . Well I've been to at least four graduations and I don't remember
 them. But then I also don't remember our speaker. One of the kids asked me if it was hot on stage
 with the gowns on. I told them I don't remember that, but I do remember being really bored. Scott
 told me that during the ceremony, he had been thinking about how much he was going to eat next year
 at Whittier College in L.A. Now that's my bro. His crew coach told me that Scott had written on
 his senior page, "6'8'', 40" chest, 20" arms, favorite food: Whatever she likes." and who knows what
 else. Nice, huh? I laughed forever when he said 20" biceps. Yeah, right. He wishes. More like, "6'8",
 Pain in the buttocks, Wishes he could win an argument with his sister." J Actually back to the
 regatta real quick like. .. They had this speaker on the docks and you would hear them announce that
 they were looking for someone. I said, "What do you think my chances would be if I got on that
 microphone and announced. . . .Looking for single male over 21 with a good personality, sense of
 humor, good job. . etc. . ?" Probably trouble, but it would have been interesting nonetheless. 
             Someday I'm going to remember to ask the flight attendant on the way home what the movie
 is, when there aren't any t.v.s on the airplane. I just want to see the look of her/his face. That
 would be priceless. 
              Allora. . . so I was the last one to read scripture and in the middle I lost my place. Oops.
 That was fun. A nice pause right in the middle. Now if I had read like the other two I wouldn't have
 lost my place. Of course neither would I have looked up at any point during my reading, which
 doesn't make it very interesting for the listeners. But some lady I didn't even know told me
 afterwards that I did a very good job reading. Well. . . I mean really, being not only the Queen of
 the Sad and Pathetic, but also Pasty White Perfection and Marshmellowy Goodness. . . could you
 expect anything less than a quality performance from yours truly? Or course not. There may have
 been a pause, but there was no hmmms or ummms. . . I give quality embarrassing performances. Too
 bad most of you missed it. 
Basta! I shall leave you all to yours exciting lives. 

*big hugs* 
ci vediamo 
