The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 50

The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 50

My darling readers and bratty skimmers,

	For the episode that you’ve all been wishing and hoping for and never knew could come true. . . .
 selected quotes from your responses right as they came from the e-mails. (Names have been with
 held to insure to protect the innocent. I suppose this means I should include the names.) 

-“You are developing an kind of etherereal  (sp?) beauty many women aspire to have.”

-“You are, without a doubt, the coolest, sweetest, funniest, most awesome person I have ever met.  :-) “


-“You're too funny Mare...when you write, you sound like you're reciting your life you
 remember to breathe when you're writing these things? “

-“I went to E-bay and decided that I wanted a bunch of stuff that I don't have the money to buy. I
 found this old Soviet paratrooper's flask...I want it.”


-“You know.... you really can be a punk sometimes.... Yes, you're the punk! 
You're lucky you're cute... otherwise (insert Mary's blahs here).”

-“What's up with the SUN BLOCK?! YOU NEED A TAN!”

“Anyway, peace SEESTOR... it's just not the same without you saying the three 
                                        Mary things: 
                                        1. Brigitte, will you carry me up the stairs? 
                                        2. Brigitte, can I watch the Simpsons in your room? 
                                        and finally 
                                        3. He's/you're such a FREAK!”

-“I don't think anyone can really see your stomach from an airplane, but maybe if I was there
 standing next to you they could.”

-‘Chromosome...derived from "Chrom" a variation of "Chron" meaning "time" and "some" meaning a few. 
 Sort of like "hasta luego", you know, "See you some time, chromosome."’

-“breath takingly honest.  two thumbs up! -adia LA TIMES”

-“Alright so shit happens and you move on...or what's the other one that my mom used to always
 say...oh hands you lemons and you make lemonade.  Whatever... that's all a bunch of horse

-“everyone is entitled to their own opinion regardless of how moronic it may seem...”

-“and if any of your friends know single guys with all the same qualifications you request plus being
 over age 31, number is (972) 6xx-xxxx. I figure you're not using the over 31 year olds.”

-“If you want to become president of the US - JUST DO IT!  You would do better than most and you
 would certainly be more entertaining.  A mixture of Erma Bombeck and John Kennedy would be just
 about right for the presidency in 2016.  I'd vote for you any day. Now about that black White
 House... “

-“If you get this, please e-mail me at the Mousy address with your school address so I can
 communicate with the genius and huggable niece for whom the sun rises and sets.” 

-“All I have to say is....WHY??” 

*sigh*. . . it’s so touching, isn’t it? I believe ‘Why?’ is a great question. With no answer other than .
 . . I’m on crack. 

I’ll write a real one soon as I get a chance to breathe.

Lots of love and hugs and crack to all. . . 

*huge hugs*
ci vediamo
