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Two Little Girls
Pretty and Sweet

Two little girls pretty and sweet
Walked hand in hand down
Their tree covered street.

All was wonderful;
All was beautiful,
All such a treat.

Their lives were so perfect
and so full of peace.

How could they know, being so young,
That just around the corner
Life was about to turn upside down.

The parents they loved and trusted
With their lives and security.

Were in the midst of a battle
That would tear their very lives apart.

Down came their childhood;
Down came trusting;
Down came self esteem;
And down came their pride
In their neighborhood.

Everyone knew they were two
Unfortunate little girls;
Two poor, poor little girls in
A home of such battles.

Someone should do
Something, they would say.
Someone should help
Them, they thought.
But no one did anything.

So the two little girls went
Home from school everyday
To the same home torn apart
With fighting, and
Crying, and disruption.

The two little girls didn’t
Stay little very long.
They grew up so they could take
Care of a little brother
In his crib.

The two little girls grew up
So they could take care
Of a sick mother
Who needed to take care of
A home and a baby brother.

They took care of a home,
A father, a brother,
And two little girls.

But more then that,
the two little girls grew up
To have little children of Their own.

When will the cycle end?
When will two little girls not
Marry into abusive homes?

When will neighbors not just
Talk about helping,
But really help?

When will someone see,
And reach out to
Those two little girls?

Will you help?
Or, will you turn your head away
And hope what you saw
Today goes away?

Will you give to the
shelter in your area?
Will you donate some time there, too?

Are there two little girls
in your neighborhood, family,
Or are you one of Two little girls?
Get help!!!

By Judith A. Brown
July 22, 2002 ©


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Bruce DeBoer