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Gifts I have received from the Sisterly Hugs committee.

It's such a nice feeling to receive a friendly hello and a hug... especially those that come from out of the blue when least expected.

Thank you to all that have sent sisterly hugs my way!

Just dropping by with some sisterly hugs, Becky

Dropping in to say hello. Looking forward to getting to know you in Sisters Forever. I love what I have seen of your site so far. Fantasy books are my favorite kind of reading. - Marlene

Just popping in from SF to say hello.
I hope times passes quickly for you, filled up with sunny thoughts and bright events. But I also pray your days go slowly enough that you find time for all that really matters.
May your mind dwell on the worlds beauty and wonder.

Hi Annette, I just stopped by from Sisters Forever to leave you a hug :~) Sandee

From Mandy

Just dropping by to leave you a big Sister's Forever Hugs. -Vicki


I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I hope you have a great weekend. And have lots of fun times. Have a great day as well. -Mandy

Just spreadin' a little sunshine your way. -Annabug

Hello Hon, Just stopping by with a sisterly hug. Have a  wonderful weekend. Hugs, Becky

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