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Each week 3 tutorials are sent to the Tuts N' Stuff Committee. Members of this committee must complete at least one tutorial.

Sisters Forever Tuts N' Stuff Committee ACL

 Follow the links below to see my Tuts N' Stuff Homework results.
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September 24, 2002

A gift from the Tuts N' Stuff Committee Leader!

Thank you so much, Sunshine!

A thank you gift from Sunshine

Thanks Annette for helping out, you gave excellent ideas and directions. I really appreciate the help you have give the last couple of days. Annette, you are so sweet here is a small thank you just for your help. You are very kind.

your forever friend;
Sunshine/ the artist formerly known as &*%

Homework Awards

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Fantasy 2000 Index

Visit us at Sisters Forever

 Background by Annette

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