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Name: Nexus Arrellius/Lavoisier


Clan: Gangrel

Generation: Neonate

Character History:

: Where shall I begin, the beginning? Hmmmm. As a child, I was raised by my surrogent mother who was also to become my sire. Mayhaps I should start a little earlier than that. All I know of my mortal parents, I learned from my sire. Mary Arrellius had visitors to her haven one dark night in the winter of 1903, figures clad in dark robes chanting softly as they walked. She watched from the shadows of the trees in her forest as they moved with solemn determination to a large flat rock which lay in a clearing. A woman of the group, my real mother, lay upon the rock and gave birth to me there. The cord was cut, but before the afterbirth was even wiped from my face, my father (I assume he was my father, as my mother addressed him as such)raised a dagger above my tiny chest, but before he could complete the ritual, Mary, still watching from the shadows, frenzied at the frightful scene, and tore into the clearing ripping with tooth and claw, slaughtering all but one. She knows she wounded my father, but his body was not among the dead at the end of her tirade. Mary took me into her home, and raised me; well, in all acctuality, her goul, Joseph, raised me, but she is still the only mother I know. I lived a fairly normal life, I went to school, I ate, I slept, I dreamed. . . My mother was quite rich, so I had all the comforts a boy could dream of. Sometime during puberty, however, I began to see things, signs and portents that would come true, people from the corner of my eye that weren't really there. As I grew, so did the powers within me, eventually I could look into the world beyond death as easily as one would look through a window. Dead men would rise from their graves and speak to me as if I could understand them, and the scary thing is, I could. My senses became overwhelmed, and I fell into a coma from which I would slip in and out of conciousness. My mother, fearing for my life, a life she had saved from darkness, and raised with so gentle a hand, sought permission for my embrace. As kindred, I have found my immortal mind to be more equiped to handle the rigors of spiritualism, I have studdied intensly over book after book, hardly Gangrel behavior, I know, but I was consumed by a desire to understand what I was. I am a medium and an oracle, but also a Gangrel, and recently, A Lavoisier. I have set up roots in Little Rock, Arkansas, I like it here. I teach parapsychology at UALR, and have made many friends. I am searching for my father, or his remains at least, I would like to know more about that night in the Gangrel wood, and more of myself as well. But, alas, the Gangrel in me that loves to tell a tale has kept you for much too long. I thank you for listening, and I bid you. . . good night