House Lavoisier
(All information is
OOC, and for Members of House Lavoisier Only)
"She walks in beauty like the night
Of cloudless climbs and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
- Lord Byron
Evening stranger, welcome to my home. There are no rules or punishments
here except to deny yourself of the passion that burns within us all,
especially those of my blood. Not of our blood? Not to worry for this is
only a temporary setback, and soon the world of politics, finances and power
will be only childish games to you.
I feel the pain you have suffered and know the nightmares undiscovered.
As you are young, you haven't had to deal with the loss of your mortal
family, but this is a trauma we have all worked through together. To many I
have become a Father, and in turn we have all become eachother's undying
family. A family unbroken by violence, Elders, Sects and hatred. Let me
take you into my arms, and show you the comfort that darkness can provide.
- Father Devant Lavoisier