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Amanda is my newest sister site I actually have asked her a couple of times, and she finally said yes I'm so glad as you can probably tell I love her site. Anywayz Amanda's site probably has to be one of my fave doll sites for different reasons. First off I love looking at layouts don't ask why I don't know, and her layout has to be the most coolest one I've come across. I like the the Bloody Alice theme -nodz- Another reason would be her dollz they're so different and unique to me. All of them have a dark theme to them and I like that in dollz. Her shading and the colors just the whole look of her dollz make them fantastic and fun to look at. She also has some other things that might interest you too like drawings that she's done they are really good. So if you haven't been to her site check it out I promise you won't regret it.