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House of Dollz V. Blue Crush
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Blue Bubble Gum

This is Erin one of my newest sisters you absolutely have to check out her site it's wonderful. Her layout is very beautiful it's blue and white and goes very well with the site title (and that's why it's what it is) it use to be red n white but she figured blue and white went better. Her dollz are very beautiful as well, but remember if you want to adopt one you must read the rules first. She also has other things at her site as well a couple of tutorials a quilt that you can add to and more. So please if you have the time I insist you visit Erin's Site you won't be sorry, and perhaps you can sign her guestbook while your there.

Down below are just a sample of what kind of dollz you'll see at her site.

This was a gift to Erin

.:All stuff on this site is © to Ashley unless otherwise stated layout from Steves templates design made by me:.

.:Totally dollz:.
America Dollz
Amy Brown Art Dollz
Quote Dollz
Kiss Dollz
Project Dollz
My bases

.:Doll Related Matter:.
Groups I'm in
Dollz Dictionary
Dollz Magazine
My yahoo Groups

.:Nothing to do with dollz:.

.:Travel the doll World:.
Amanda's site probably has to be one of my fave doll sites for different reasons. First off I love looking at layouts don't ask why I don't know, and her layout has to be the most coolest one I've come across. I like the the Bloody Alice theme -nodz- Another reason would be her dollz they're so different and unique to me. All of them have a dark theme to them and I like that in dollz. Her shading and the colors just the whole look of her dollz make them fantastic and fun to look at. She also has some other things that might interest you too like drawings thaat she's done the really good. So if you haven't been to her site check it out I promise you won't regret it.
This site is All About Dollz baby everything you could possibly want is right here loads of links to different places. So go check it out if you wanna learn about dollz.