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Alright I decided to try and host another contest. 'm hoping more then 2 people will enter like the last contest I held I mean I really want quite a few entries.

Anywayz, the theme for this contest will be "storms" that's all I'm saying I'm going to leave the rest up to your imagination. You've seen my rain dollz something like that is what I want.

-Must be your own no copying or stealing anyone elses.
-I prefer no drag n drops, but if that's all you can make then it's ok just make them heavily edited.
-It can have a background (please keep it to a minimum)
-Animation is allowed
-please send only gifs or jpgs. Bmp's are acceptable but they tend to mess up when I switch them over and I'm sure you don't want that.
Everything else is up to you
Send entries to with your name, email addy, website if you have one, and please send it as storm entry for the title like thing.

I have to have at least 5 entries to keep the contest up. 10 or more would really be appreciated
Deadline for this is 2 weeks from today (8/29/02) EXTENDED til September 13th (friday)

1st prize: Gold Award, link on my page forever
2nd prize: Ruby Award, link on page for a month
3rd prize: A choice of either a blinkie or a kaos
Ash's Choice: Award, link on my page forever, also a suprise from me
Everyone else I will give an appreciation award to.


Entry #1 nixi

Entry #2 Starrling

Entry #3 Carilynn

Entry #4 Wicca

Entry #5 Mist

Entry #6 Leti

Entry #7 Charlie

To see who's doll it is hold your mouse over the picture.

This is for wicca only

This award is only for the ones who entered my contest don't be stupid and take it if you didn't enter the contest.